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342 Videos
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Amy Millman Shares Key Elements of the Strongest P

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • The passion of the entrepreneur, the significance of their product or service, that they can execute...
  • 5/1/2003

Amy Millman States Importance of Being Concise

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • But if you can't boil down your business in 10 minutes, you'll never attract anybody. I mean I've s...
  • 5/1/2003

Amy Millman Discusses Microenterprise organization

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • When the microenterprise organizations come into work, I mean this is a model that's not -- I didn't...
  • 5/1/2003

Amy Millman Discusses Springboard Enterprises Cash

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • If I don't get out and start selling and getting some people in. The problem is for me is that beca...
  • 5/1/2003

Amy Millman Discusses Balancing Family With Work

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • Most women raise the issue of how do I get a 50/50 balance in the family and yet they sabotage that ...
  • 5/1/2003

Amy Millman Shares Hopes For Women in the Future

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • When my son was four years old and we were all sitting around, I guess the girls, he said well when ...
  • 5/1/2003

Amy Millman Shares Example from Women's World Bank

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • I've talked with Canadian women and French women and women in England and this -- I mean what we've ...
  • 5/1/2003

Laurie Joslin Discusses Importance of Corporate Wo

  • Laurie Joslin - Interview - Unlimited Co
  • Laurie Joslin has been the president of Unlimited Coaching Solutions since its formation in 1999....
  • I wouldn't be here right now without that corporate experience. I really don't think that I could b...
  • 12/9/1999

Laurie Joslin Discusses Developing a Mentor Relati

  • Laurie Joslin - Interview - Unlimited Co
  • Laurie Joslin has been the president of Unlimited Coaching Solutions since its formation in 1999....
  • I actually met Ray through the BNI organization. He was not a member of BNI but someone in that org...
  • 12/9/1999