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342 Videos
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Amy Millman Shares Differences Between Her Own Dau

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • My daughter had to put together a paragraph or two for the playbill for her school play and she had,...
  • 5/1/2003

Amy Millman Discusses Growth of Springboard Enterp

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • Q: At what point did you realize Gee, we are going to have a revenue model here... After the second ...
  • 5/1/2003

Amy Millman Provides Example Where Springboard's H

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • Also Garage.Com did this. This is my favorite thing. "Oh, we ought to do something for the women."...
  • 5/1/2003

Amy Millman Shares Thoughts on Growth At Springboa

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • We may still be in the startup mode so this may be an -- not -- and we had major success early on so...
  • 5/1/2003

Amy Millman Discusses Springboard Enterprises' Str

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • We used McKinsey and Company who are major sponsors, supporters of ours and they brought a team in a...
  • 5/1/2003

Amy Millman Describes How Successful Female Entrep

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • A lot of women that have not been communicating with us after they have left their companies or sold...
  • 5/1/2003

Amy Millman Discusses Springboard Enterprises Miss

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • What we were trying to do is do something with all our stakeholders, our investors, lawyers, account...
  • 5/1/2003

Amy Millman Shares Misconceptions About Venture Ca

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • Q: What do you find are the biggest misconceptions about venture capital?That these people are your ...
  • 5/1/2003

Amy Millman Discusses Items That Are Stressed in C

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • We try to get them to make the part of the presentation, the details, their product or service is a ...
  • 5/1/2003