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Amy Millman States Women Need To Determine How To

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • Quite a lot had happened in twenty years. I think that's really critical to understand when people ...
  • 5/1/2003

Amy Millman States Importance For Women To Rely on

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • Because they call it self-promotion and that's a bad word. But if they call it assuming your seat a...
  • 5/1/2003

Amy Millman States Women Need To Overcome Fear of

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • There's a wonderful company called Independent Means, Income of Our Own. Jolie Godfrey was a Polaro...
  • 5/1/2003

Amy Millman States One of the Biggest Problems Isn

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • I think there's this familiarity issue that has to be addressed and I think women have to really und...
  • 5/1/2003

Amy Millman Shares Early Issues in Hiring Women

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • But in order to accomplish your mission you've got to have all the other people with different compl...
  • 5/1/2003

Amy Millman Shares Thoughts on Entrepreneurship

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • Lillian Vernon who until fairly recently, I'm not sure she still has the chair slot but she built th...
  • 5/1/2003

Amy Millman tates Importance For Women to Take Res

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • I think that one of the things I try to talk to my daughter [about] or some of the younger women who...
  • 5/1/2003

Amy Millman Discusses Personal Experience As A Lob

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • Working as a lobbyist is also very intrapreneurial because you have an issue, you have an end result...
  • 5/1/2003

Amy Millman Discusses Personal and Educational Bac

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • I was brought up in the fifties and sixties in a entrepreneurial environment that focused on the goa...
  • 5/1/2003