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Alisa Cohn Shares Thoughts on Being an Entrepreneu

  • Alisa Cohn - Interview - Alisa Cohn Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • I do think of myself as an enterpreneur in the sense of I think of it as creating something from not...
  • 3/31/2004

Alisa Cohn States Being Entrepreneur Can Be Very L

  • Alisa Cohn - Interview - Alisa Cohn Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • I had no idea that working by myself -- this is gonna sound so silly -- working by myself and doing,...
  • 3/31/2004

Alisa Cohn States Coaches Often Provide Permission

  • Alisa Cohn - Interview - Alisa Cohn Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • I do want to say one thing. Oh, yes! Part of the role that I take on with my clients is that I giv...
  • 3/31/2004

Alisa Cohn Discusses Educational and Professional

  • Alisa Cohn - Interview - Alisa Cohn Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • How did this all happen? Because I grew up very conventionally and it never occurred to me that ent...
  • 3/31/2004

Alisa Cohn Discusses Decision to Go Into Finance i

  • Alisa Cohn - Interview - Alisa Cohn Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • I was a numbers phobe. I had to go to Math Camp. They wouldn't accept me without going to math cam...
  • 3/31/2004

Alisa Cohn Discusses Confidence in Discussing Fina

  • Alisa Cohn - Interview - Alisa Cohn Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • I feel very steeped in the world that I'm interested in which is organizational design and leadershi...
  • 3/31/2004

Alisa Cohn Shares Thoughts on Decision to Join Dot

  • Alisa Cohn - Interview - Alisa Cohn Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • I was looking for -- after Price Waterhouse Coopers after I was fully, I was sure that I was done I ...
  • 3/31/2004

Alisa Cohn States Execution Is Key to Funding

  • Alisa Cohn - Interview - Alisa Cohn Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • Everyone says it's all about execution. Oh my God, it's all about execution! You could have the be...
  • 3/31/2004

Alisa Cohn Discusses Purpose of Coaching Business

  • Alisa Cohn - Interview - Alisa Cohn Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • To be a catalyst in people's lives, that's for sure. And so, again this comes back to being an arti...
  • 3/31/2004