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Michael Simmons Discusses Whether Entrepreneurship

  • Michael Simmons - Interview - Extreme En
  • Michael Simmons is the author of the bestselling book,The Student Success Manifesto: How to Creat...
  • I think entrepreneurship - I think people are made. I think you can have certain characteristics th...
  • 6/21/2009

Michael Simmons Discusses Starting Extreme Entrepr

  • Michael Simmons - Interview - Extreme En
  • Michael Simmons is the author of the bestselling book,The Student Success Manifesto: How to Creat...
  • Well, first, I'll even take a step back and share why we started this company, the Extreme Entrepren...
  • 6/21/2009

Michael Simmons Shares Reasons For Being An Entrep

  • Michael Simmons - Interview - Extreme En
  • Michael Simmons is the author of the bestselling book,The Student Success Manifesto: How to Creat...
  • I'd say for aspiring young entrepreneurs, there are so many good reasons to become an entrepreneur, ...
  • 6/21/2009

Michael Simmons Shares Advice On Working With Fami

  • Michael Simmons - Interview - Extreme En
  • Michael Simmons is the author of the bestselling book,The Student Success Manifesto: How to Creat...
  • Well, I would say I'm not the expert here so - but my two advices - pieces of advice are two things ...
  • 6/21/2009

Michael Simmons States The Word Sales Is Not A Bad

  • Michael Simmons - Interview - Extreme En
  • Michael Simmons is the author of the bestselling book,The Student Success Manifesto: How to Creat...
  • There's a great book that I recommend everyone go ahead and read called Ready, Fire, Aim and it's wr...
  • 6/21/2009

Michael Simmons Encourages Taking Advantage Of Any

  • Michael Simmons - Interview - Extreme En
  • Michael Simmons is the author of the bestselling book,The Student Success Manifesto: How to Creat...
  • We're successful at getting local media and I think it's actually fairly easy to get local media, so...
  • 6/21/2009

Michael Simmons Discusses Experience at NYU And Ca

  • Michael Simmons - Interview - Extreme En
  • Michael Simmons is the author of the bestselling book,The Student Success Manifesto: How to Creat...
  • For the first two years, especially at college. NYU at the time, the business school, over 90% of t...
  • 6/21/2009

Michael Simmons Explains Reasons For Working Hard

  • Michael Simmons - Interview - Extreme En
  • Michael Simmons is the author of the bestselling book,The Student Success Manifesto: How to Creat...
  • When I first started the business with my friend in high school, my picture of the role at that time...
  • 6/21/2009

Michael Simmons Shares Hiring Anecdote About Hirin

  • Michael Simmons - Interview - Extreme En
  • Michael Simmons is the author of the bestselling book,The Student Success Manifesto: How to Creat...
  • That first business had a lot of learning experience, some of them painful. The most painful thing ...
  • 6/21/2009