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Alisa Cohn Discusses Patricia Dunn's Lack of Abili

  • Alisa Cohn - Lecture - Professional Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • And you'll still be influencing other people, right, and the ... I just want to kind of point out, u...
  • 10/28/2006

Alisa Cohn Discusses When Influence Begins

  • Alisa Cohn - Lecture - Professional Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • I want to kind of show you the whole cycle of influence, right, because when does influence start. ...
  • 10/28/2006

Alisa Cohn States Expression of Excellence Is One

  • Alisa Cohn - Lecture - Professional Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • There's a great story about you know, one of my heroes Wayne Dyer, who's kind of a little bit spirit...
  • 10/28/2006

Alisa Cohn States Importance of Being Positive and

  • Alisa Cohn - Lecture - Professional Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • But I will say now that I really believe that when you put in the yesses yourself, the no's starting...
  • 10/28/2006

Alisa Cohn States Social Capital Is The Glue That

  • Alisa Cohn - Lecture - Professional Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • Yeah perfect, exactly. It's sort of this ... the glue that holds like... it holds organizations tog...
  • 10/28/2006

Alisa Cohn Discusses Expanding Your Circle of Infl

  • Alisa Cohn - Lecture - Professional Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • Let's assume that you have interpersonal interactions with different peers. Lets say you have inter...
  • 10/28/2006

Alisa Cohn Shares Thoughts on Mentors

  • Alisa Cohn - Lecture - Professional Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • I would suggest that most companies don't give you a mentor. I think you're lucky if you've been in...
  • 10/28/2006

Alisa Cohn States You Often Have To Be Proactive T

  • Alisa Cohn - Lecture - Professional Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • You will definitely get a 401K. You will definitely get health insurance. You may get... you might...
  • 10/28/2006

Alisa Cohn Shares Ideas On How To Expand The Netwo

  • Alisa Cohn - Lecture - Professional Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • Also if you're going to social events, fantastic and also ... ask for introductions from those peopl...
  • 10/28/2006