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342 Videos
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Alisa Cohn Shares Thoughts on Fear

  • Alisa Cohn - Lecture - Professional Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • By the way, is that dread and fear comfortable for you? No. Me neither. I know. I don't like it ...
  • 10/28/2006

Alisa Cohn States Overachievers Always Underestima

  • Alisa Cohn - Lecture - Professional Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • Totally, exactly right, that's a beautiful point and also here's what... you know, my clients tend t...
  • 10/28/2006

Alisa Cohn States Everyone Makes Mistakes

  • Alisa Cohn - Lecture - Professional Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • You will make a lot of mistakes in the ... you'll make probably a mistake today, I almost guarantee ...
  • 10/28/2006

Alisa Cohn States Importance of Breaking Down An I

  • Alisa Cohn - Lecture - Professional Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • I don't like reaching out to people for all these reasons... but you know Alisa, I do notice that on...
  • 10/28/2006

Alisa Cohn Shares Example of Handling Criticism

  • Alisa Cohn - Lecture - Professional Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • This is amazing, so I was an undergrad, I was a journalism major and I went into the nonprofit world...
  • 10/28/2006

Alisa Cohn Discusses Different Behavioral Styles

  • Alisa Cohn - Lecture - Professional Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • I do want to just mention a last piece here around behavioral styles, in terms of communication beca...
  • 10/28/2006

Alisa Cohn Discusses Dealing With a 'No, But' Pers

  • Alisa Cohn - Lecture - Professional Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • Everyone who is not in this room might be a no but, so how you are to them is we'll do this thing an...
  • 10/28/2006

Alisa Cohn Shares 'No, But' Anecdote

  • Alisa Cohn - Lecture - Professional Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • I want to give you a little sort of anecdote about somebody who was in your shoes, right, so I coach...
  • 10/28/2006

Alisa Cohn Discusses Dealing With Wins and Losses

  • Alisa Cohn - Lecture - Professional Coac
  • Alisa Cohn is founder of Alisa Cohn Coaching and is a Business Coach with more than ten years of ...
  • Yeah and then you're willing to let it go, you will have wins and losses in your career. I hope you...
  • 10/28/2006