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Jaime Allen States Professors Should Be Part Of Yo

  • Jaime Allen - Panel - Young Alumni from
  • Jaime Allen is currently a Director of Marketing at Darden Restaurant Group in Orlando, Florida. ...
  • And I would just add don't exclude your professors from that list of networking. I mean I think wha...
  • 9/28/2007

Kenneth Shields Discusses Market Indicators

  • Kenneth Shields - Lecture - Procter and
  • Kenneth Shields is a Director at Procter & Gamble. ...
  • If you have a strong core business, base Tide okay, my indicators when that business goes down, that...
  • 10/11/2006

Kenneth Shields States Importance of Household Pen

  • Kenneth Shields - Lecture - Procter and
  • Kenneth Shields is a Director at Procter & Gamble. ...
  • In a consumer packaged goods business you only make money on P & Q or on the other P which is price,...
  • 10/11/2006

Kenneth Shields States Brand Has To Be Relevent To

  • Kenneth Shields - Lecture - Procter and
  • Kenneth Shields is a Director at Procter & Gamble. ...
  • First moment of truth is when it's purchased, second moment of truth is when it's used. There is no...
  • 10/11/2006

Kenneth Shields Provides Definition of Lovemark

  • Kenneth Shields - Lecture - Procter and
  • Kenneth Shields is a Director at Procter & Gamble. ...
  • What you need is not a strong logo or trademark, you need to create a lovemark. So what's a lovemar...
  • 10/11/2006

Kenneth Shields States Consumer Products Companies

  • Kenneth Shields - Lecture - Procter and
  • Kenneth Shields is a Director at Procter & Gamble. ...
  • We were looking at a store, if you get into a department in a store this happens to be one that has ...
  • 10/11/2006

Kenneth Shields Discusses Impact of Brand Impressi

  • Kenneth Shields - Lecture - Procter and
  • Kenneth Shields is a Director at Procter & Gamble. ...
  • Think about the number of brand impressions. Hundreds of brand impressions you get in a day, I'm lo...
  • 10/11/2006

Norb Mayrhofer Discusses Target Customers

  • Norb Mayrhofer - Lecture - Finding Your
  • Norb Mayrhofer is the Vice President of Procter & Gamble Professional. He began his career at P&...
  • I think the most important thing in a business plan is to understand who the target customer is. To...
  • 2/22/2006

Norb Mayrhofer States Business Plans Can Be Broken

  • Norb Mayrhofer - Lecture - Finding Your
  • Norb Mayrhofer is the Vice President of Procter & Gamble Professional. He began his career at P&...
  • Question was is there a way to prepare for deployment while you are writing the business plan. So t...
  • 2/22/2006