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225 Videos
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Scott Goodfellow Discusses Skill Sets Being Sought

  • Scott Goodfellow - Lecture - Interviewin
  • Scott Goodfellow is a Global Finance Project Manager at Procter and Gamble. Scott Goodfe...
  • For finance and accounting, we look for students that have a very broad experience base. Well, we l...
  • 10/21/2008

Scott Goodfellow Discusses Importance of the First

  • Scott Goodfellow - Lecture - Interviewin
  • Scott Goodfellow is a Global Finance Project Manager at Procter and Gamble. Scott Goodfe...
  • You know, I think a lot of people get hung up on different components. For me, yes, I want to see a...
  • 10/21/2008

Scott Goodfellow States Importance of Making Perso

  • Scott Goodfellow - Lecture - Interviewin
  • Scott Goodfellow is a Global Finance Project Manager at Procter and Gamble. Scott Goodfe...
  • You are going to have multiple opportunities to talk with me or other recruiters at any company. I r...
  • 10/21/2008

Scott Goodfellow Discusses The Procter & Gamble St

  • Scott Goodfellow - Lecture - Interviewin
  • Scott Goodfellow is a Global Finance Project Manager at Procter and Gamble. Scott Goodfe...
  • In the P&G style of interview, I typically ask a series of questions trying to penetrate the person,...
  • 10/21/2008

Scott Goodfellow Discusses Importance of Explainin

  • Scott Goodfellow - Lecture - Interviewin
  • Scott Goodfellow is a Global Finance Project Manager at Procter and Gamble. Scott Goodfe...
  • Well, if you start with something that is an interesting thing - I led the foundation of a not-for-p...
  • 10/21/2008

Scott Goodfellow Shares Ideas On How To Become Fam

  • Scott Goodfellow - Lecture - Interviewin
  • Scott Goodfellow is a Global Finance Project Manager at Procter and Gamble. Scott Goodfe...
  • I would honestly say familiarity is your best friend. So, if you have an opportunity to think about...
  • 10/21/2008

Jaime Allen States Good Leaders Have A Vision And

  • Jaime Allen - Panel - Young Alumni from
  • Jaime Allen is currently a Director of Marketing at Darden Restaurant Group in Orlando, Florida. ...
  • So as we talk about leadership, it's definitely a quality that we look for. It's definitely, if you...
  • 9/28/2007

Jaime Allen Discusses Academic and Professional Ba

  • Jaime Allen - Panel - Young Alumni from
  • Jaime Allen is currently a Director of Marketing at Darden Restaurant Group in Orlando, Florida. ...
  • Hello, I'm Jaime Allen, I graduated in 2000 out of the AEM program. I was actually pre-vet when I s...
  • 9/28/2007

Jaime Allen States She Wouldn't Have Changed Anyth

  • Jaime Allen - Panel - Young Alumni from
  • Jaime Allen is currently a Director of Marketing at Darden Restaurant Group in Orlando, Florida. ...
  • I think every experience that I had made me the person that I am today and got me ... you know, even...
  • 9/28/2007