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225 Videos
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Jeremy Knopow Discusses Product Development Cycle

  • Jeremy Knopow - Interview - SC Johnson
  • Jeremy Knopow is a Senior New Experience Incubator at SC Johnson. Prior to joining SC J...
  • As far as a new product development cycle, there is not a universal one to be sure because the varie...
  • 4/20/2010

Jeremy Knopow Discusses Aspects Of Industrial Desi

  • Jeremy Knopow - Interview - SC Johnson
  • Jeremy Knopow is a Senior New Experience Incubator at SC Johnson. Prior to joining SC J...
  • First of all the name industrial design kind of throws people for a loop, I think, initially. It's ...
  • 4/20/2010

Elliott Garlock Discusses Generation Y's Impact On

  • Elliott Garlock - Lecture - Procter & Ga
  • Elliott Garlock is currently the Business Development Director at Raymor Industries & NanoIntegri...
  • Well Generation Y is awesome, right? It's like the best generation ever, like we rock, right? And ...
  • 2/23/2009

Elliott Garlock States Opportunities Exist - Even

  • Elliott Garlock - Lecture - Procter & Ga
  • Elliott Garlock is currently the Business Development Director at Raymor Industries & NanoIntegri...
  • How's the job market these days, I heard it's pretty tough. Anyone, how's it going? It's crappy is...
  • 2/23/2009

Elliott Garlock States Reading Blogs Helps You Gai

  • Elliott Garlock - Lecture - Procter & Ga
  • Elliott Garlock is currently the Business Development Director at Raymor Industries & NanoIntegri...
  • The other stuff I would do is I would read blogs because books are good for going deep, blogs are go...
  • 2/23/2009

Elliott Garlock States Importance of Bringing Gen

  • Elliott Garlock - Lecture - Procter & Ga
  • Elliott Garlock is currently the Business Development Director at Raymor Industries & NanoIntegri...
  • The other idea I want to share with you guys is the youth takeover. Like this media world of Facebo...
  • 2/23/2009

Elliott Garlock Discusses Personal Branding

  • Elliott Garlock - Lecture - Procter & Ga
  • Elliott Garlock is currently the Business Development Director at Raymor Industries & NanoIntegri...
  • The other idea I want to share you with is this idea of personal branding. A lot of people I chat w...
  • 2/23/2009

Elliott Garlock States Importance of Having A Good

  • Elliott Garlock - Lecture - Procter & Ga
  • Elliott Garlock is currently the Business Development Director at Raymor Industries & NanoIntegri...
  • The other idea I want to share with you is the idea of the democratization of what the Internet has ...
  • 2/23/2009

Elliott Garlock States Generation Y Understands Th

  • Elliott Garlock - Lecture - Procter & Ga
  • Elliott Garlock is currently the Business Development Director at Raymor Industries & NanoIntegri...
  • I'm 24, right? I graduated from Cornell two years ago. I'm like a half a step ahead of you, guys, ...
  • 2/23/2009