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225 Videos
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Patrick Mulcahy Discusses Rechargeable Battery Ind

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company was a...
  • Question - Did the rechargeable battery industry not meet expectations? For us it clearly did not. ...
  • 4/21/2000

Patrick Mulcahy Discusses Advertising Against Comp

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company was a...
  • We, as I mentioned are not going to make claims. This product, however, will deliver about 80% more...
  • 4/21/2000

Patrick Mulcahy Defines Portfolio Approach

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company was a...
  • Question - What does the portfolio approach mean? Well, it means that we're the largest primary ba...
  • 4/21/2000

Patrick Mulcahy States Importance of Keeping a Sen

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company was a...
  • Next, have fun, keep a sense of humor. If you're not having fun, you won't be particularly successf...
  • 4/21/2000

Patrick Mulcahy Discusses Recycling In The Battery

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company was a...
  • Question - Have you considered a recycling program for batteries? Interestingly, it's the thing that...
  • 4/21/2000

Patrick Mulcahy States Importance of Making Extra

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company was a...
  • The next is do something, do anything. A lot of times we move along, we do our job. Those people w...
  • 4/21/2000

Patrick Mulcahy Discusses Cannibalizing Older Prod

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company was a...
  • Question - Will E-squared cannibalize Energizer? To some extent, it will. The battery category, how...
  • 4/21/2000

Patrick Mulcahy Discusses Energizer Bunny

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company was a...
  • Question - How did the Energizer Bunny idea come into play, and did it work? How successful has it ...
  • 4/21/2000

Patrick Mulcahy Discusses New Brand of Energizer E

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company was a...
  • Let me introduce you to Energizer E-squared. In developing this brand, our primary rule was that we...
  • 4/21/2000