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225 Videos
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Norb Mayrhofer Discusses Sensing and Finding Best

  • Norb Mayrhofer - Lecture - Procter & Gam
  • Norb Mayrhofer is the Vice President of Procter & Gamble Professional. He began his career at P&...
  • Have you ever heard the story about Sam Walton about what he used to do routinely when he was still ...
  • 10/6/2004

Norb Mayrhofer Discusses Complex Versus Simple Sal

  • Norb Mayrhofer - Lecture - Procter & Gam
  • Norb Mayrhofer is the Vice President of Procter & Gamble Professional. He began his career at P&...
  • One of the keys to being a good salesperson is you have to master the complex and the simple pitch. ...
  • 10/6/2004

Norb Mayrhofer States Business Survival Depends On

  • Norb Mayrhofer - Lecture - Procter &
  • Norb Mayrhofer is the Vice President of Procter & Gamble Professional. He began his career at P...
  • Nothing is staying the same. Everything is changing around you. It is just the rate of change that...
  • 10/6/04

Norb Mayrhofer States Business Should Optimize Ret

  • Norb Mayrhofer - Lecture - Procter & Gam
  • Norb Mayrhofer is the Vice President of Procter & Gamble Professional. He began his career at P&...
  • The purpose of the business is to be in business, but it is to optimize the return on the assets dep...
  • 10/6/2004

Norb Mayrhofer States Value is Relative To the Cus

  • Norb Mayrhofer - Lecture - Procter & Gam
  • Norb Mayrhofer is the Vice President of Procter & Gamble Professional. He began his career at P&...
  • Potential customers said another way non-customers what do they want? Rule of thumb. You can learn...
  • 10/6/2004

Norb Mayrhofer Discusses Importance of Creating an

  • Norb Mayrhofer - Lecture - Procter & Gam
  • Norb Mayrhofer is the Vice President of Procter & Gamble Professional. He began his career at P&...
  • Unless you have got a plan--I am trying to think who did this, but he calls it the EST strategy. St...
  • 10/6/2004

Norb Mayrhofer Discusses Mapping the Customer

  • Norb Mayrhofer - Lecture - Procter & Gam
  • Norb Mayrhofer is the Vice President of Procter & Gamble Professional. He began his career at P&...
  • The question is how do you figure out which customer to go after. Let me give you a practical examp...
  • 10/6/2004

Norb Mayrhofer Discusses Difference Between Contro

  • Norb Mayrhofer - Lecture - Procter & Gam
  • Norb Mayrhofer is the Vice President of Procter & Gamble Professional. He began his career at P&...
  • The difference between what our competitors have done, historically done and what we are doing is ou...
  • 10/6/2004

Norb Mayrhofer States Importance of Understanding

  • Norb Mayrhofer - Lecture - Procter & Gam
  • Norb Mayrhofer is the Vice President of Procter & Gamble Professional. He began his career at P&...
  • When you think about a target customer--let's go back to our clothing example before. A simple way ...
  • 10/6/2004