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225 Videos
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Patrick Mulcahy States Rules Come From Each Person

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • There are no rules. You know. You are going to live your life. And you are going to sort of build...
  • 4/13/2005

Patrick Mulcahy Shares Thoughts on Intellectual Pr

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • Well I was just wondering. The past week it has been in the news that IBM has released basically th...
  • 4/13/2005

Patrick Mulcahy Discusses Long Term Growth At Ener

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • What do you feel are Energizer's long-term growth potential? M: The question, I think you could hear...
  • 4/13/2005

Patrick Mulcahy Discusses Current Position At Ener

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • I know you stepped down from your position recently. And as the CEO you were pretty involved I am s...
  • 4/13/2005

Patrick Mulcahy Discusses Marketing In the Battery

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • I have a question about marketing. You thought that product differentiation in the battery business...
  • 4/13/2005

Patrick Mulcahy Discusses Personal Background

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • My personal background, I grew up on Willard Way in Ithaca New York. I didn't get into WestPoint, w...
  • 4/13/2005

Patrick Mulcahy Discusses Energizer-Wal-Mart Relat

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • You said you have relations with Wal-Mart and Sams Club. Wal-Mart is also notorious for being hard ...
  • 4/13/2005

Patrick Mulcahy Shares Thoughts on Executive Compe

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • My question deals with executive compensation. Because Business Week just put out an article that h...
  • 4/13/2005

Patrick Mulcahy Discusses Environmental Issues Fac

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • The environmental impacts are significant in the battery business. And this is one area where the g...
  • 4/13/2005