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225 Videos
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Patrick Mulcahy States Career Is Not A Sprint And

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • The second rule is a career is not a sprint. Up through age 30, I got promoted about - on average a...
  • 4/13/2005

Patrick Mulcahy States Importance of Betting on Pe

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • This - if you don't remember anything else, remember this one. When changing jobs, bet on people. ...
  • 4/13/2005

Patrick Mulcahy States Spending Is No Substitute F

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • Spending is no substitute for creativity. This is an old advertising axiom. But it is true. Somet...
  • 4/13/2005

Patrick Mulcahy States Importance of Thinking Thro

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • Consider the reversibility of a decision before making it. And if you have made a bad decision, rev...
  • 4/13/2005

Patrick Mulcahy States Importance of Living One Da

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • Live one day at a time. What is quite interesting to me is you know. You talk about three-year pla...
  • 4/13/2005

Patrick Mulcahy States Importance of Treating Othe

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • The killer gets killed. This is the opposite of the golden rule. If you are an abusive manager, so...
  • 4/13/2005

Patrick Mulcahy States Importance of Realizing Fac

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • Facts are not truth. Well what do I mean by this? There is two industries that have been built aro...
  • 4/13/2005

Patrick Mulcahy States Office And Not People Are I

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • It is the office, not the person. I do believe that one person can make a difference. But if you d...
  • 4/13/2005

Patrick Mulcahy States Mistakes Are Great Learning

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • Disasters are wonderful. Well, if you can survive them they are. If you make big mistakes, our cha...
  • 4/13/2005