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Jaime Allen Shares Example of Problem With New Fre

  • John Cayer and Jaime Allen - Lecture - S
  • Jaime Allen is currently a Director of Marketing at Darden Restaurant Group in Orlando, Florida. ...
  • When I was working on that launch, Fresh Brush. It was an early Saturday morning. It was about two...
  • 10/1/2005

Jaime Allen Discusses Decision To Scrap Existing I

  • John Cayer and Jaime Allen - Lecture - S
  • Jaime Allen is currently a Director of Marketing at Darden Restaurant Group in Orlando, Florida. ...
  • We ended up scrapping the cases that we had. We put more quality teams on the line. You might find...
  • 10/1/2005

Patrick Mulcahy States Importance of Putting Timef

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • Have fun. Keep a sense of humor. If you are not having fun in your career doing what you are doin...
  • 4/13/2005

Patrick Mulcahy Shares Background of Company, Ener

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • I would like to give you a brief overview on the company that Energizer was and is. Why we were int...
  • 4/13/2005

Patrick Mulcahy States Retailers Had Leverage in B

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • So that is one tenant that we - we turned around and said well, is having 1,700 SKUs in primary batt...
  • 4/13/2005

Patrick Mulcahy States Energizer's Strategy Built

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • So the second key point in our strategy development had to recognize that you really have to underst...
  • 4/13/2005

Patrick Mulcahy Discusses Acquisition of Schick Wi

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • Well, you know. We were in the battery business exclusively. Our sales were about $1.8 billion, re...
  • 4/13/2005

Patrick Mulcahy Discusses Benefit of Merger With S

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • So we ended up with Schick. And what did we get? Well there is three things that Schick was doing. ...
  • 4/13/2005

Patrick Mulcahy Discusses Background To Creation o

  • Patrick Mulcahy - Lecture - Energizer an
  • Patrick Mulcahy is Chief Executive Officer of Energizer, Inc. His retirement from the company wa...
  • But over my 37 years in the business, I have developed something I call my 14 rules. I kind of was ...
  • 4/13/2005