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225 Videos
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Lynn Ambrosia States Challenge of Getting Retail S

  • Lynn Ambrosia - Lecture - Campbell's Sou
  • Lynn Ambrosia is currently the Vice President of Retail Fresh at Campbell's Soup Company. Previo...
  • Generally speaking, and you picked it up earlier with shelf space. It is really hard to get and you...
  • 10/15/2005

Lynn Ambrosia Shares Campbell's Soup In Hand Telev

  • Lynn Ambrosia - Lecture - Campbell's Sou
  • Lynn Ambrosia is currently the Vice President of Retail Fresh at Campbell's Soup Company. Previo...
  • 10/15/2005

Lynn Ambrosia Discusses Increase in Rushed and On-

  • Lynn Ambrosia - Lecture - Campbell's Sou
  • Lynn Ambrosia is currently the Vice President of Retail Fresh at Campbell's Soup Company. Previo...
  • What I thought might be helpful is to take you through what categories seem to always be popping up ...
  • 10/15/2005

Lynn Ambrosia Discusses Top New Food and Drug Prod

  • Lynn Ambrosia - Lecture - Campbell's Sou
  • Lynn Ambrosia is currently the Vice President of Retail Fresh at Campbell's Soup Company. Previo...
  • What I thought would be interesting was just to take you through the top food and non-food new produ...
  • 10/15/2005

Lynn Ambrosia Discusses Growth of New Product Plac

  • Lynn Ambrosia - Lecture - Campbell's Sou
  • Lynn Ambrosia is currently the Vice President of Retail Fresh at Campbell's Soup Company. Previo...
  • New products. They are growing, growing, growing, growing. In quantity and the importance that the...
  • 10/15/2005

Jaime Allen Discusses Typical Week In The Life Of

  • John Cayer and Jaime Allen - Lecture - S
  • Jaime Allen is currently a Director of Marketing at Darden Restaurant Group in Orlando, Florida. ...
  • I want to talk to you guys a little bit about what a typical week in the life is. So this is a - th...
  • 10/1/2005

John Cayer Shares Professional Background In Brand

  • John Cayer and Jaime Allen - Lecture - S
  • John Cayer has worked in Brand Management at SC Johnson for the past 10 years. John Caye...
  • You might take a look at my business card and say team leader, what is that? And why is he here tal...
  • 10/1/2005

John Cayer Discusses Background of Brand Managemen

  • John Cayer and Jaime Allen - Lecture - S
  • John Cayer has worked in Brand Management at SC Johnson for the past 10 years. John Caye...
  • So brand management, what is it? This was a practice and a structure pioneered by Procter & Gamble ...
  • 10/1/2005

John Cayer Defines Difference Between A Product an

  • John Cayer and Jaime Allen - Lecture - S
  • John Cayer has worked in Brand Management at SC Johnson for the past 10 years. John Caye...
  • So let's talk about what is the difference between a product and a brand. This is a quote from Stev...
  • 10/1/2005