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Michael Thompson Discusses Importance of Trust

  • Michael Thompson - Panel - Embracing Cha
  • Michael L. Thompson is the President and CEO of Fair Oaks Farms, LLC. Mike has significantly inc...
  • If you look at any presentation we do, we have one word embedded on the left side of all our Powerpo...
  • 4/13/2013

Michael Thompson Discusses Building an Entrepreneu

  • Michael Thompson - Panel - Embracing Cha
  • Michael L. Thompson is the President and CEO of Fair Oaks Farms, LLC. Mike has significantly inc...
  • Well, yeah, it was hard. I mean it was all hard, but...when I bought the company there was only bas...
  • 4/13/2013

Doug Conant States Women Do Not Lack Ambition

  • Doug Conant - Interview - Women and Busi
  • Douglas Conant served as President and CEO of the Campbell Soup Company until July 31, 2011. Early...
  • I do not see a lack of ambition among women in the work place. I would also say it takes great ambi...
  • 3/31/12

Doug Conant States Importance of Women Learning To

  • Doug Conant - Interview - Women and Busi
  • Douglas Conant served as President and CEO of the Campbell Soup Company until July 31, 2011. Early...
  • When I think about a specific action in the moment that made a difference in the life of someone wit...
  • 3/31/12

Doug Conant Discusses Challenge In Understanding W

  • Doug Conant - Interview - Women and Busi
  • Douglas Conant served as President and CEO of the Campbell Soup Company until July 31, 2011. Early...
  • Well, the conversation I have with guy friends, in the appropriate language and the appropriate cont...
  • 3/31/12

Doug Conant Shares Personal Paradigm Shift When He

  • Doug Conant - Interview - Women and Busi
  • Douglas Conant served as President and CEO of the Campbell Soup Company until July 31, 2011. Early...
  • I actually had a conversation at one of my earliest exposures to Catalyst. I was invited to be...wh...
  • 3/31/12

Doug Conant Shares Sentiment That Women Are Doing

  • Doug Conant - Interview - Women and Busi
  • Douglas Conant served as President and CEO of the Campbell Soup Company until July 31, 2011. Early...
  • I tend to look at the world as the glass is always half full. And so, I look at the opportunity in ...
  • 3/31/12

Greg Woodworth Shares Hopefulness For The Future O

  • Gregory Woodworth - Interview - Stony Br
  • Greg Woodworth is founder and Vice President of Stony Brook Whole Hearted Foods, a company that p...
  • When I look forward, with where we are, where we might be heading, I just hope that we are able to c...
  • 6/17/2011

Greg Woodworth States Managing Expenses Is Very Im

  • Gregory Woodworth - Interview - Stony Br
  • Greg Woodworth is founder and Vice President of Stony Brook Whole Hearted Foods, a company that p...
  • When you have a small business, the most important thing to me is the quality of the product that yo...
  • 6/17/2011