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1738 Videos
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Charlotte Dieroff Shares Timeline for Getting Prod

  • Charlotte Dieroff - Panel - Entrepreneur
  • Charlotte Dieroff works in the area of Business Development at the International Food Network (IF...
  • Entrepreneurs come to us and they think we can develop a product in four weeks. I'm like, "You know,...
  • 4/13/2013

Charlotte Dieroff Discusses Challenges in Food Pro

  • Charlotte Dieroff - Panel - Entrepreneur
  • Charlotte Dieroff works in the area of Business Development at the International Food Network (IF...
  • I could talk a little bit about the entrepreneurs who have come to us. I always explain to them, yes...
  • 4/13/2013

Charlotte Dieroff Discusses New Consumer Demand In

  • Charlotte Dieroff - Panel - Entrepreneur
  • Charlotte Dieroff works in the area of Business Development at the International Food Network (IF...
  • We work for both national, global, CPG companies. We work with entrepreneurs as well. I think what w...
  • 4/13/2013

Ipshita Pall Discusses Developing Storyline For Pr

  • Ipshita Pall - Panel - Entrepreneurship
  • Ipshita Pall is the owner and co-founder of The Indian Milk & Honey Co. The Indian Milk &...
  • Making the product, we felt thinking about the product was the biggest thing. It was the biggest cha...
  • 4/13/2013

Ipshita Pall Discusses Social Media And Communicat

  • Ipshita Pall - Panel - Entrepreneurship
  • Ipshita Pall is the owner and co-founder of The Indian Milk & Honey Co. The Indian Milk &...
  • When we launched our product, we did a lot of samplings at Cornell and we, every time we would get o...
  • 4/13/2013

Ipshita Pall Discusses Patience And Persistence

  • Ipshita Pall - Panel - Entrepreneurship
  • Ipshita Pall is the owner and co-founder of The Indian Milk & Honey Co. The Indian Milk &...
  • You can have a mind of your own when you're a chef. It's creative and it's closed doors. It's more l...
  • 4/13/2013

Entrepreneurship in the Food and Beverage Industry

  • Charlotte Dieroff - Panel - Entrepreneur
  • Charlotte Dieroff works in the area of Business Development at the International Food Network (IF...
  • 4/13/2013

Entrepreneurship in the Food and Beverage Industry

  • Ipshita Pall - Panel - Entrepreneurship
  • Ipshita Pall is the owner and co-founder of The Indian Milk & Honey Co. The Indian Milk &...
  • 4/13/2013

Entrepreneurship in the Food and Beverage Industry

  • Amrit Singh - Panel - Entrepreneurship i
  • Amrit Singh is the owner and co-founder of The Indian Milk & Honey Co. The Indian Milk & ...
  • 4/13/2013