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Ipshita Pall Discusses Value Proposition In Her Yo

  • Ipshita Pall - Panel - Entrepreneurship
  • Ipshita Pall is the owner and co-founder of The Indian Milk & Honey Co. The Indian Milk &...
  • I was still pregnant with our first one. When I started looking around the aisles, I'd never read la...
  • 4/13/2013

Amrit Singh States Importance of Being Persistent

  • Amrit Singh - Panel - Entrepreneurship i
  • Amrit Singh is the owner and co-founder of The Indian Milk & Honey Co. The Indian Milk & ...
  • I'm going to add to that you need to...you shouldn't panic in small things. Even the large things fo...
  • 4/13/2013

Ipshita Pall Shares Professional Background

  • Ipshita Pall - Panel - Entrepreneurship
  • Ipshita Pall is the owner and co-founder of The Indian Milk & Honey Co. The Indian Milk &...
  • I have, like Amrit said, a partner in crime. I literally got pulled into it, to become his partner i...
  • 4/13/2013

Michael Thompson Discusses Getting Customers To Un

  • Michael Thompson - Panel - Embracing Cha
  • Michael L. Thompson is the President and CEO of Fair Oaks Farms, LLC. Mike has significantly inc...
  • Every customer is different. You have some customers that they are more price oriented and you have...
  • 4/13/2013

Amrit Singh Discusses Importance of Finding Distri

  • Amrit Singh - Panel - Entrepreneurship i
  • Amrit Singh is the owner and co-founder of The Indian Milk & Honey Co. The Indian Milk & ...
  • We didn't think about going to the west coast. It just happened. It just happened because we found ...
  • 4/13/2013

Amrit Singh States Importance of Developing Negoti

  • Amrit Singh - Panel - Entrepreneurship i
  • Amrit Singh is the owner and co-founder of The Indian Milk & Honey Co. The Indian Milk & ...
  • One of the things that I would tell any entrepreneur coming out of Cornell, forget about Cornell. Fo...
  • 4/13/2013

Amrit Singh Shares Challenges Faced When Trying To

  • Amrit Singh - Panel - Entrepreneurship i
  • Amrit Singh is the owner and co-founder of The Indian Milk & Honey Co. The Indian Milk & ...
  • While we were launching this at Cornell, and when I say launching, kind of putting it all together. ...
  • 4/13/2013

Charlotte Dieroff Discusses Importance Of Soft Ski

  • Charlotte Dieroff - Panel - Entrepreneur
  • Charlotte Dieroff works in the area of Business Development at the International Food Network (IF...
  • But I do think that the soft skills is what you learned in kindergarten. They say what you need to k...
  • 4/13/2013

Charlotte Dieroff Shares Thoughts On Importance Of

  • Charlotte Dieroff - Panel - Entrepreneur
  • Charlotte Dieroff works in the area of Business Development at the International Food Network (IF...
  • You know, I actually was our social media manager for a little bit. Quite honestly, it does not bank...
  • 4/13/2013