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Barb Ross Discusses Leadership And Incentives for

  • Barb Ross - Panel - Embracing Change: C
  • Barbara Ross is Vice President, Human Resources at Chobani. ...
  • When you talk about what is important to employees, it is always about respect and fairness. And pe...
  • 4/13/2013

Barb Ross Discusses Maintaining People Strategy Am

  • Barb Ross - Panel - Embracing Change: C
  • Barbara Ross is Vice President, Human Resources at Chobani. ...
  • Well, I think that our owner, Hamdi, is very committed to people. And he will tell you that, you kn...
  • 4/13/2013

Barb Ross Discusses Importance of Employees To Be

  • Barb Ross - Panel - Embracing Change: C
  • Barbara Ross is Vice President, Human Resources at Chobani. ...
  • The other thing that I would say, and it is very similar, the hard working, I think, is important. ...
  • 4/13/2013

Barb Ross States Employees Can Be Stars But Not Ev

  • Barb Ross - Panel - Embracing Change: C
  • Barbara Ross is Vice President, Human Resources at Chobani. ...
  • I recently read somewhere, somebody said that everyone is a star. They just have to find the right ...
  • 4/13/2013

Barb Ross Discusses Importance of Understanding Wh

  • Barb Ross - Panel - Embracing Change: C
  • Barbara Ross is Vice President, Human Resources at Chobani. ...
  • For us, it is interesting. In the early days, the founder, he sold a couple hundred cases. And so,...
  • 4/13/2013

Michael Thompson Shares Professional Background

  • Michael Thompson - Panel - Embracing Cha
  • Michael L. Thompson is the President and CEO of Fair Oaks Farms, LLC. Mike has significantly inc...
  • Good afternoon. My name is Michael Thompson. I'm president and CEO of Fair Oaks Farms. Most peopl...
  • 4/13/2013

Michael Thompson Discusses Difference In Being Ent

  • Michael Thompson - Panel - Embracing Cha
  • Michael L. Thompson is the President and CEO of Fair Oaks Farms, LLC. Mike has significantly inc...
  • Well, you know, it's quite different being an entrepreneur than it is a corporate employee, those of...
  • 4/13/2013

Michael Thompson Discusses Moving Towards A More E

  • Michael Thompson - Panel - Embracing Cha
  • Michael L. Thompson is the President and CEO of Fair Oaks Farms, LLC. Mike has significantly inc...
  • Yeah, it was a very interesting time and situation, but the company I acquired really wasn't perform...
  • 4/13/2013

Michael Thompson Discusses Leadership And Incentiv

  • Michael Thompson - Panel - Embracing Cha
  • Michael L. Thompson is the President and CEO of Fair Oaks Farms, LLC. Mike has significantly inc...
  • I would just say that, you know, what I have learned in my career is that money is not the number on...
  • 4/13/2013