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Jessica Rolph Discusses Selling The Company

  • Jessica Rolph - Lecture - HappyFamily
  • Jessica Crolick Rolph is founding partner and COO of HappyFamily, a start-up company that produce...
  • So we had in our early, very early business plans, that Group Danone was sort of an ideal partner fo...
  • 10/11/2013

Jessica Rolph States Having A Family Was A Leap Of

  • Jessica Rolph - Lecture - HappyFamily
  • Jessica Crolick Rolph is founding partner and COO of HappyFamily, a start-up company that produce...
  • Yeah, I definitely took the leap and then I also felt like I had to take the leap to have a child be...
  • 10/11/2013

Jessica Rolph Discusses Early Challenges In Buildi

  • Jessica Rolph - Lecture - HappyFamily
  • Jessica Crolick Rolph is founding partner and COO of HappyFamily, a start-up company that produce...
  • I had also just gotten married. So my husband and I packed up everything we owned and we moved to t...
  • 10/11/2013

Jessica Rolph Discusses Dream of Becoming a Social

  • Jessica Rolph - Lecture - HappyFamily
  • Jessica Crolick Rolph is founding partner and COO of HappyFamily, a start-up company that produce...
  • I'll start in Spring of 2004. I graduated from MBA from Cornell and got a job in Austin, Texas with...
  • 10/11/2013

Corporate Entrepreneurship Panel

  • Michael Thompson - Panel - Embracing Cha
  • Michael L. Thompson is the President and CEO of Fair Oaks Farms, LLC. Mike has significantly inc...
  • 4/13/2013

Corporate Entrepreneurship Panel

  • Barb Ross - Panel - Embracing Change: C
  • Barbara Ross is Vice President, Human Resources at Chobani. ...
  • 4/13/2013

Michael Thompson Shares Professional Background

  • Michael Thompson - Panel - Embracing Cha
  • Michael L. Thompson is the President and CEO of Fair Oaks Farms, LLC. Mike has significantly inc...
  • Good afternoon. My name is Michael Thompson. I'm president and CEO of Fair Oaks Farms. Most peopl...
  • 4/13/2013

Barb Ross Provides Personal Background

  • Barb Ross - Panel - Embracing Change: C
  • Barbara Ross is Vice President, Human Resources at Chobani. ...
  • Hi. I'm Barb Ross. I'm the vice president of human resources with Chobani, which is the maker of t...
  • 4/13/2013

Barb Ross Discusses Entrepreneurship In Large Corp

  • Barb Ross - Panel - Embracing Change: C
  • Barbara Ross is Vice President, Human Resources at Chobani. ...
  • Well, it's interesting. The story of Chobani, having started out with only five employees, one of t...
  • 4/13/2013