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805 Videos
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Marc Prudhommeaux Discusses Lean Startup Approach

  • Marc Prud\'hommeaux - Interview - Glimps
  • c Prud\'hommeaux is the Founder and Principal Developer at Glimpse I/O. Marc has been developing for...
  • s and my previous two businesses have been lean startups. Ever since, you know, my initial experie...
  • 4/16/16

Marc Prudhommeaux Discusses Data Visualization And

  • Marc Prud\'hommeaux - Interview - Glimps
  • c Prud\'hommeaux is the Founder and Principal Developer at Glimpse I/O. Marc has been developing for...
  • people who have a passion for data visualization, like me, election seasons are always fantastic be...
  • 4/16/16

Marc Prudhommeaux Discusses Value Proposition Of H

  • Marc Prud\'hommeaux - Interview - Glimps
  • c Prud\'hommeaux is the Founder and Principal Developer at Glimpse I/O. Marc has been developing for...
  • you know, my suite of software, Glimpse, performs visual data analytics. So you can create data vi...
  • 4/16/16

Marc Prudhommeaux Discusses Mobile App Frustration

  • Marc Prud\'hommeaux - Interview - Glimps
  • c Prud\'hommeaux is the Founder and Principal Developer at Glimpse I/O. Marc has been developing for...
  • everyone knows, it was a huge gold rush when they first came out with the various app stores. And, ...
  • 4/16/16

Marc Prudhommeaux Discusses Challenge In Customer

  • Marc Prud\'hommeaux - Interview - Glimps
  • c Prud\'hommeaux is the Founder and Principal Developer at Glimpse I/O. Marc has been developing for...
  • l, in the mobile app world, especially with the Apple ecosystem, customer interaction, in any form, ...
  • 4/16/16

Marc Prudhommeaux Discusses Balance Between Busine

  • Marc Prud\'hommeaux - Interview - Glimps
  • c Prud\'hommeaux is the Founder and Principal Developer at Glimpse I/O. Marc has been developing for...
  • yeah, usually I'll be the technical lead or one of the technical leads and then we'll have, you kno...
  • 4/16/16

Marc Prudhommeaux Discusses Bootstrapping Your Com

  • Marc Prud\'hommeaux - Interview - Glimps
  • c Prud\'hommeaux is the Founder and Principal Developer at Glimpse I/O. Marc has been developing for...
  • l, you know, if you bootstrapped your company, especially if it's in software development, there's a...
  • 4/16/16

Marc Prudhommeaux Discusses Surviving The DotCom B

  • Marc Prud\'hommeaux - Interview - Glimps
  • c Prud\'hommeaux is the Founder and Principal Developer at Glimpse I/O. Marc has been developing for...
  • was, you know, it was a time when no one really knew. The internet was just really gaining widespre...
  • 4/16/16

Marc Prudhommeaux Discusses Getting Into Technolog

  • Marc Prud\'hommeaux - Interview - Glimps
  • c Prud\'hommeaux is the Founder and Principal Developer at Glimpse I/O. Marc has been developing for...
  • ean after college, you know, when you graduate with a degree in Philosophy, you often don't have an ...
  • 4/16/16