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805 Videos
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Michael Thompson Offers Advice Regarding App Ideas

  • Mike Thompson - Interview - Voice Recogn
  • e Thompson served as an Executive Vice President and General Manager of Mobile & Consumer Division a...
  • the best applications to apply voice recognition are usually identifiable by a group of criteria. T...
  • 4/16/2016

Michael Thompson Discusses Impact Of Voice Recogni

  • Mike Thompson - Interview - Voice Recogn
  • e Thompson served as an Executive Vice President and General Manager of Mobile & Consumer Division a...
  • movement of mobile into the automobile world and broadly into all devices is going to be massive bu...
  • 4/16/2016

Michael Thompson Discusses Competitive Landscape I

  • Mike Thompson - Interview - Voice Recogn
  • e Thompson served as an Executive Vice President and General Manager of Mobile & Consumer Division a...
  • s is one of my favorite questions because the competitive landscape in mobile, and the way it's chan...
  • 4/16/2016

Michael Thompson Discusses Data Security And Priva

  • Mike Thompson - Interview - Voice Recogn
  • e Thompson served as an Executive Vice President and General Manager of Mobile & Consumer Division a...
  • a security and privacy are so important in this space and all of the more sophisticated companies wh...
  • 4/16/2016

Michael Thompson Discusses Changes In Voice Recogn

  • Mike Thompson - Interview - Voice Recogn
  • e Thompson served as an Executive Vice President and General Manager of Mobile & Consumer Division a...
  • the last three years, the things that have changed the most in the voice recognition mobile space, i...
  • 4/16/2016

Michael Thompson Discusses Breakthrough In Voice R

  • Mike Thompson - Interview - Voice Recogn
  • e Thompson served as an Executive Vice President and General Manager of Mobile & Consumer Division a...
  • breakthrough in speech recognition was just the continued evolution of the core algorithms that can...
  • 4/16/2016

Michael Thompson Discusses Starting In Voice Recog

  • Mike Thompson - Interview - Voice Recogn
  • e Thompson served as an Executive Vice President and General Manager of Mobile & Consumer Division a...
  • I started in the voice recognition space. The voice recognition space was starting to gain traction...
  • 4/16/2016

Marc Prudhommeaux Discusses Teams And Ownership As

  • Marc Prud\'hommeaux - Interview - Glimps
  • c Prud\'hommeaux is the Founder and Principal Developer at Glimpse I/O. Marc has been developing for...
  • know, when it's a small team starting out, you know, three or four or five, you know, up to ten peo...
  • 4/16/16

Marc Prudhommeaux Discusses Experiencing Dilution

  • Marc Prud\'hommeaux - Interview - Glimps
  • c Prud\'hommeaux is the Founder and Principal Developer at Glimpse I/O. Marc has been developing for...
  • h and it sounds pretty miserable, you know, from what they say. And it's also just a huge amount of...
  • 4/16/16