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805 Videos
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Sarah Mayo-Evans Discusses Business, Peach Recruit

  • Sarah Mayo-Evans - Interview - Peach Rec
  • ah Mayo-Evans is the owner of Peach Recruitment. Peach Recruitment is an independently owned agency...
  • business is Peach Recruitment. It's a commercial specialist agency based in the center of Worcester...
  • 4/20/2010

Sarah Mayo-Evans Shares Thoughts on Being a Risk T

  • Sarah Mayo-Evans - Interview - Peach Rec
  • ah Mayo-Evans is the owner of Peach Recruitment. Peach Recruitment is an independently owned agency...
  • not sure I've ever really described myself to anyone else as an entrepreneur, but, I suppose genera...
  • 4/20/2010

Sarah Mayo-Evans Discusses Challenges When Partner

  • Sarah Mayo-Evans - Interview - Peach Rec
  • ah Mayo-Evans is the owner of Peach Recruitment. Peach Recruitment is an independently owned agency...
  • torically, my partnership with my old business partner was very split. We had very distinct roles w...
  • 4/20/2010

Sarah Mayo-Evans Explains You Never Stop Thinking

  • Sarah Mayo-Evans - Interview - Peach Rec
  • ah Mayo-Evans is the owner of Peach Recruitment. Peach Recruitment is an independently owned agency...
  • you ever get past the cash flow thing? I don't think so. Being a recruitment agency, cash flow is ...
  • 4/20/2010

Sarah Mayo-Evans Discusses Business Planning As An

  • Sarah Mayo-Evans - Interview - Peach Rec
  • ah Mayo-Evans is the owner of Peach Recruitment. Peach Recruitment is an independently owned agency...
  • n we first set up eight years ago, it was very much about the bank wanted to see a business plan. S...
  • 4/20/2010

Sarah Mayo-Evans Discusses Challenges Of Determini

  • Sarah Mayo-Evans - Interview - Peach Rec
  • ah Mayo-Evans is the owner of Peach Recruitment. Peach Recruitment is an independently owned agency...
  • is difficult to work out the value of a business. When I thought about making an offer to my busine...
  • 4/20/2010

Sarah Mayo-Evans Discusses Unique Selling Point Of

  • Sarah Mayo-Evans - Interview - Peach Rec
  • ah Mayo-Evans is the owner of Peach Recruitment. Peach Recruitment is an independently owned agency...
  • unique selling point. I think over larger, bigger, regional or national agencies, our unique selli...
  • 4/20/2010

Sarah Mayo-Evans States Gender Issues Are Still Pe

  • Sarah Mayo-Evans - Interview - Peach Rec
  • ah Mayo-Evans is the owner of Peach Recruitment. Peach Recruitment is an independently owned agency...
  • hink there are still some barriers, realistically. It's sad to say that, but I think that there is....
  • 4/20/2010

Sarah Mayo-Evans Discusses Value Of Having a Relat

  • Sarah Mayo-Evans - Interview - Peach Rec
  • ah Mayo-Evans is the owner of Peach Recruitment. Peach Recruitment is an independently owned agency...
  • s absolutely essential. I know my bank manager really well and being able to call on him and tell h...
  • 4/20/2010