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805 Videos
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Charles Hamilton Discusses Ten Thousand Hours Of W

  • Charles Hamilton - Interview - Experienc
  • Charles Hamilton has led the commercial development of Novomer's technology since 2006. He has been ...
  • I liked what you said at first just that there's years and years of effort that go into this before...
  • 5/13/2010

Charles Hamilton Discusses Basic Principles in Sta

  • Charles Hamilton - Interview - Experienc
  • Charles Hamilton has led the commercial development of Novomer's technology since 2006. He has been ...
  • 've got to recognize that you need and Tony has some of these things that he probably articulated wh...
  • 5/13/2010

Charles Hamilton States Importance of Building a T

  • Charles Hamilton - Interview - Experienc
  • Charles Hamilton has led the commercial development of Novomer's technology since 2006. He has been ...
  • know you might decide to, I'll just make up a company. I mean you might just decide to work on a g...
  • 5/13/2010

Charles Hamilton Discusses Mistakes And Dealing Wi

  • Charles Hamilton - Interview - Experienc
  • Charles Hamilton has led the commercial development of Novomer's technology since 2006. He has been ...
  • entioned mistakes. I mean I won't get into tons of specifics but mistakes were made absolutely in t...
  • 5/13/2010

Charles Hamilton Explains Decisions About Seeking

  • Charles Hamilton - Interview - Experienc
  • Charles Hamilton has led the commercial development of Novomer's technology since 2006. He has been ...
  • four of us made that decision and we made it on I think it on Tony's porch at his house and we'd be...
  • 5/13/2010

Charles Hamilton Discusses Concept of a Language B

  • Charles Hamilton - Interview - Experienc
  • Charles Hamilton has led the commercial development of Novomer's technology since 2006. He has been ...
  • s funny just talking about business terms as a total aside because I'll be in meetings where I am co...
  • 5/13/2010

Charles Hamilton Discusses Selling Equity In Your

  • Charles Hamilton - Interview - Experienc
  • Charles Hamilton has led the commercial development of Novomer's technology since 2006. He has been ...
  • the process of raising money, you're going to sell part of your company. So you're going to sell th...
  • 5/13/2010

Charles Hamilton Discusses Decision Making and the

  • Charles Hamilton - Interview - Experienc
  • Charles Hamilton has led the commercial development of Novomer's technology since 2006. He has been ...
  • how do you set that up to move forward? I think it has got to be an understood partnership and your...
  • 5/13/2010

Sarah Mayo-Evans Explains Sales Strategy Involves

  • Sarah Mayo-Evans - Interview - Peach Rec
  • ah Mayo-Evans is the owner of Peach Recruitment. Peach Recruitment is an independently owned agency...
  • ould say I do a fair amount of selling, marketing, networking. It's obviously very important. We d...
  • 4/20/2010