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805 Videos
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Stephano Kim States Entrepreneurs Discover Answers

  • Stephano Kim - Interview - AHAlife
  • Stephano Kim is a New York-based entrepreneur and angel investor. Stephano currently serves as presi...
  • rting a company it really is a marathon it's not a sprint. And you know the number one mistake that...
  • 3/8/2013

Stephano Kim Discusses Value Proposition And Marke

  • Stephano Kim - Interview - AHAlife
  • Stephano Kim is a New York-based entrepreneur and angel investor. Stephano currently serves as presi...
  • there is this concept I'll just call product market fit and people talk about this all the time and ...
  • 3/8/2013

Stephano Kim Discusses Importance Of Cash Flow

  • Stephano Kim - Interview - AHAlife
  • Stephano Kim is a New York-based entrepreneur and angel investor. Stephano currently serves as presi...
  • er Blackboard or actually more accurately after firing myself about 40 times and hiring people who h...
  • 3/8/2013

Stephano Kim Explain Why Now Is A Great Time To St

  • Stephano Kim - Interview - AHAlife
  • Stephano Kim is a New York-based entrepreneur and angel investor. Stephano currently serves as presi...
  • t I tell the entrepreneurs these days after I tell them you're out of your mind and don't ever do it...
  • 3/8/2013

Stephano Kim Discusses Early Entrepreneurship

  • Stephano Kim - Interview - AHAlife
  • Stephano Kim is a New York-based entrepreneur and angel investor. Stephano currently serves as presi...
  • hink we, when I say we, my cofounders, eventual cofounders and I, we, we were very lucky, I think. ...
  • 3/8/2013

Stephano Kim Shares Thoughts on Success

  • Stephano Kim - Interview - AHAlife
  • Stephano Kim is a New York-based entrepreneur and angel investor. Stephano currently serves as presi...
  • ust told somebody a week ago that you know they're like, well a similar question, not exactly what's...
  • 3/8/2013

Joy Kuebler Discusses Growth and Evolution In Comp

  • Joy Kuebler - Interview - Growing the C
  • Joy Kuebler is the founder of Joy Kueble Landscape Architect PC (JKLA). Her company's design projec...
  • have grown to be eight years old now and we, it's been a bit of a transition in that last four years...
  • 6/2/2011

Joy Kuebler Explains Need To Track And Evaluate Ef

  • Joy Kuebler - Interview - Growing the C
  • Joy Kuebler is the founder of Joy Kueble Landscape Architect PC (JKLA). Her company's design projec...
  • having to go through that kind of economic crunch and really having to look at all of our practices ...
  • 6/2/2011

Joy Kuebler Shares Anecdote On Offsite Team Buildi

  • Joy Kuebler - Interview - Growing the C
  • Joy Kuebler is the founder of Joy Kueble Landscape Architect PC (JKLA). Her company's design projec...
  • e the HR consultant, we interviewed facilitators. And we got a range of people who just want to sit...
  • 6/2/2011