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805 Videos
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David Weinstein States You Bet On People More Than

  • David Weinstein - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • id Weinstein is a Co-Founder at HomeKeepr, a home maintenance reminder/vendor directory app. In add...
  • deciding how to spend your capital, and that I mean in the big - so your emotional capital, your hum...
  • 4/17/14

David Weinstein Discusses Academic Experiences As

  • David Weinstein - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • id Weinstein is a Co-Founder at HomeKeepr, a home maintenance reminder/vendor directory app. In add...
  • l, I had the pleasure of being an undergrad and a grad student at Cornell. And I would say they are...
  • 4/17/14

David Weinstein Shares Thoughts on Minimum Viable

  • David Weinstein - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • id Weinstein is a Co-Founder at HomeKeepr, a home maintenance reminder/vendor directory app. In add...
  • , minimum viable product, is a great concept and it's very attractive as a notion, but it's very har...
  • 4/17/14

David Weinstein States Founders Need To Do The Pri

  • David Weinstein - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • id Weinstein is a Co-Founder at HomeKeepr, a home maintenance reminder/vendor directory app. In add...
  • repreneurs cannot outsource the primary research. In fact, necessarily, when you're starting, you c...
  • 4/17/14

David Weinstein States Being An Entrepreneur Means

  • David Weinstein - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • id Weinstein is a Co-Founder at HomeKeepr, a home maintenance reminder/vendor directory app. In add...
  • ng an entrepreneur, among other things, forces you to do things that you are not necessarily good at...
  • 4/17/14

David Weinstein Discusses Factors That Lead To Out

  • David Weinstein - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • id Weinstein is a Co-Founder at HomeKeepr, a home maintenance reminder/vendor directory app. In add...
  • n deciding whether or not to outsource a product or do it in house, I think it is a general business...
  • 4/17/14

David Weinstein Discusses Importance of Product Si

  • David Weinstein - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • id Weinstein is a Co-Founder at HomeKeepr, a home maintenance reminder/vendor directory app. In add...
  • the subject of simplification, I think it should pervade everything that you do because if your prod...
  • 4/17/14

David Weinstein Explains Concept of Iteration With

  • David Weinstein - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • id Weinstein is a Co-Founder at HomeKeepr, a home maintenance reminder/vendor directory app. In add...
  • ration without chaos means something to me. It is not a phrase we have used specifically but it is ...
  • 4/17/14

David Weinstein Shares Lessons Learned From Pitchi

  • David Weinstein - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • id Weinstein is a Co-Founder at HomeKeepr, a home maintenance reminder/vendor directory app. In add...
  • t have I learned from pitching? I have a very strong opinion about that. I think concision, being ...
  • 4/17/14