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805 Videos
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Tricia Barry Discusses Building Channels And Adver

  • Tricia Barry - Lecture - Evolution of So
  • cia M. Barry is the Director of Communications at Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences. ...
  • how do you build your channels? Again, as far as follower base, at one time there was this rush to ...
  • 4/17/2014

Tricia Barry Discusses Developing Content For Soci

  • Tricia Barry - Lecture - Evolution of So
  • cia M. Barry is the Director of Communications at Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences. ...
  • major corporation has stated values, a stated vision, a vision statement as well or a mission state...
  • 4/17/2014

Tricia Barry Discusses Private Versus Public Uses

  • Tricia Barry - Lecture - Evolution of So
  • cia M. Barry is the Director of Communications at Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences. ...
  • it's also important to understand which social networks that you engage in that you want for privat...
  • 4/17/2014

Tricia Barry Discusses Business Leverage of Social

  • Tricia Barry - Lecture - Evolution of So
  • cia M. Barry is the Director of Communications at Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences. ...
  • anted to talk a little bit about social media for business and how it's used in general. And I thin...
  • 4/17/2014

David Weinstein Discusses Importance of Diversity

  • David Weinstein - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • id Weinstein is a Co-Founder at HomeKeepr, a home maintenance reminder/vendor directory app. In add...
  • ersity on a team is something that I've always liked intellectually. I'm an aggressive person. It...
  • 4/17/14

David Weinstein Discusses Product Distribution

  • David Weinstein - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • id Weinstein is a Co-Founder at HomeKeepr, a home maintenance reminder/vendor directory app. In add...
  • our business we were very deliberate in choosing our distribution vehicle because of previous experi...
  • 4/17/14

David Weinstein Discusses Getting The Attention Of

  • David Weinstein - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • id Weinstein is a Co-Founder at HomeKeepr, a home maintenance reminder/vendor directory app. In add...
  • is extremely difficult to get a customer's attention. It's hard, I think, in everything not to be m...
  • 4/17/14

David Weinstein Discusses When To Raise Capital

  • David Weinstein - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • id Weinstein is a Co-Founder at HomeKeepr, a home maintenance reminder/vendor directory app. In add...
  • uring out when to raise capital is far more art than science but a good metric, I think, to use is w...
  • 4/17/14

David Weinstein Discusses Discovering New Things F

  • David Weinstein - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • id Weinstein is a Co-Founder at HomeKeepr, a home maintenance reminder/vendor directory app. In add...
  • l, finding synthesis between your vision and what the customers want and not just capitulating is a ...
  • 4/17/14