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805 Videos
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Dorollo Nixon Shares Enjoyment of Working With Sta

  • Dorollo Nixon - Interview - Lachman and
  • ollo Nixon Jr.is an attorney at Lachman & Gorton where he specializes in civil litigation, real esta...
  • njoy advising startups. I love hearing about the ideas. You know don't shy away from contacting us...
  • 6/10/15

Dorollo Nixon Provides Legal Advice For Students L

  • Dorollo Nixon - Interview - Lachman and
  • ollo Nixon Jr.is an attorney at Lachman & Gorton where he specializes in civil litigation, real esta...
  • know just ask questions, make sure that you know you try to regardless of whom you're dealing with,...
  • 6/10/15

Tricia Barry Discusses The Changing Importance Of

  • Tricia Barry - Lecture - Evolution of So
  • cia M. Barry is the Director of Communications at Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences. ...
  • t's a really good question today because three years ago I would have said that's your anchor. That...
  • 4/17/2014

Tricia Barry Discusses Niche Uses Of Twitter

  • Tricia Barry - Lecture - Evolution of So
  • cia M. Barry is the Director of Communications at Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences. ...
  • , basically, the interesting thing with Twitter is that you really have niche areas that you can rea...
  • 4/17/2014

Tricia Barry Discusses Emergence Of Facebook, Twit

  • Tricia Barry - Lecture - Evolution of So
  • cia M. Barry is the Director of Communications at Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences. ...
  • then there came Facebook and that was in 2004. You all know the history of them. I'm sure you've ...
  • 4/17/2014

Tricia Barry Discusses Evolution To Web 2.0

  • Tricia Barry - Lecture - Evolution of So
  • cia M. Barry is the Director of Communications at Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences. ...
  • after the early years, we move into Web 2.0. This is when social networks really started developin...
  • 4/17/2014

Tricia Barry Discusses Commercialization Of Early

  • Tricia Barry - Lecture - Evolution of So
  • cia M. Barry is the Director of Communications at Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences. ...
  • it really didn't get commercialized in a big way until AOL came along. Social media would not exis...
  • 4/17/2014

Tricia Barry Discusses Early Years Of The Internet

  • Tricia Barry - Lecture - Evolution of So
  • cia M. Barry is the Director of Communications at Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences. ...
  • in the early years of the internet there were several different technologies that were kind of conve...
  • 4/17/2014

Tricia Barry States Social Media Has Blown Out the

  • Tricia Barry - Lecture - Evolution of So
  • cia M. Barry is the Director of Communications at Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences. ...
  • so, can you imagine having to, if you're responsible for marketing and communications and branding ...
  • 4/17/2014