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805 Videos
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Divya Gugnani Discusses Pitching Mode And Comfort

  • Divya Gugnani - Interview - Wander Beaut
  • ya Gugnani started her business career in investment banking at Goldman Sachs and then moved on to p...
  • the other thing is like, you know, for Wander Beauty, we just launched at the end of April and, you...
  • 9/11/2015

Divya Gugnani Discusses Common Pitching Mistakes

  • Divya Gugnani - Interview - Wander Beaut
  • ya Gugnani started her business career in investment banking at Goldman Sachs and then moved on to p...
  • number one problem is attitude. So people come and pitch to me. They think they know everything. ...
  • 9/11/2015

Divya Gugnani Discusses Importance Of Having Trust

  • Divya Gugnani - Interview - Wander Beaut
  • ya Gugnani started her business career in investment banking at Goldman Sachs and then moved on to p...
  • hink the most important thing when you?re going through any challenging decision in the business, wh...
  • 9/11/2015

Divya Gugnani Discusses Painful Aspect of Dilution

  • Divya Gugnani - Interview - Wander Beaut
  • ya Gugnani started her business career in investment banking at Goldman Sachs and then moved on to p...
  • you become more seasoned as an entrepreneur, dilution becomes infinitely more painful. So I think, ...
  • 9/11/2015

Divya Gugnani Discusses Raising Capital And Diluti

  • Divya Gugnani - Interview - Wander Beaut
  • ya Gugnani started her business career in investment banking at Goldman Sachs and then moved on to p...
  • entrepreneurs have two different journeys. Most entrepreneurs actually have the journey of being th...
  • 9/11/2015

Divya Gugnani Discusses Hiring During Early Stage

  • Divya Gugnani - Interview - Wander Beaut
  • ya Gugnani started her business career in investment banking at Goldman Sachs and then moved on to p...
  • hink in the early stages your needs in hiring are different than the later stages. So I would categ...
  • 9/11/2015

Divya Gugnani Discusses Team Failures

  • Divya Gugnani - Interview - Wander Beaut
  • ya Gugnani started her business career in investment banking at Goldman Sachs and then moved on to p...
  • I think team failures are big. When I think about a successful business, I feel like, often, a succ...
  • 9/11/2015

Divya Gugnani Discusses Embrace Entrepreneurial Fa

  • Divya Gugnani - Interview - Wander Beaut
  • ya Gugnani started her business career in investment banking at Goldman Sachs and then moved on to p...
  • hink the best part about entrepreneurship is that you fail and you just have to embrace it. And I k...
  • 9/11/2015

Divya Gugnani Discusses Testing Water of Entrepren

  • Divya Gugnani - Interview - Wander Beaut
  • ya Gugnani started her business career in investment banking at Goldman Sachs and then moved on to p...
  • efinitely started entrepreneurship in a different way. I call it ?The Toe in the Water? approach. ...
  • 9/11/2015