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805 Videos
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Reshma Saujani Discusses Introverts And Extroverts

  • Reshma Saujani - Interview - Girls Who C
  • hma Saujani is a lawyer, politician and founder of the tech organization Girls Who Code. She was pre...
  • an extrovert. But I've become more an introvert as time has gone on, simply because I think being ...
  • 10/7/2015

Reshma Saujani Discusses Dealing With Failure And

  • Reshma Saujani - Interview - Girls Who C
  • hma Saujani is a lawyer, politician and founder of the tech organization Girls Who Code. She was pre...
  • l, I think you have to put yourself out there, right, in order to let bad things happen to you. You...
  • 10/7/2015

Reshma Saujani Discusses Importance of Being Resil

  • Reshma Saujani - Interview - Girls Who C
  • hma Saujani is a lawyer, politician and founder of the tech organization Girls Who Code. She was pre...
  • ody's ever asked me that. I think what has taken me most by surprise is like I do believe in this k...
  • 10/7/2015

Reshma Saujani Discusses Customer Acquisition

  • Reshma Saujani - Interview - Girls Who C
  • hma Saujani is a lawyer, politician and founder of the tech organization Girls Who Code. She was pre...
  • we really have done a lot of word of mouth. And I think Girls Who Code now is like the premiere STE...
  • 10/7/2015

Reshma Saujani Discusses Business Model And Market

  • Reshma Saujani - Interview - Girls Who C
  • hma Saujani is a lawyer, politician and founder of the tech organization Girls Who Code. She was pre...
  • l, I think a lot of the interventions are taking place on this particular subject in the high school...
  • 10/7/2015

Reshma Saujani Discusses Role Of Emotional Intelli

  • Reshma Saujani - Interview - Girls Who C
  • hma Saujani is a lawyer, politician and founder of the tech organization Girls Who Code. She was pre...
  • know a lot of the comments that you've made, to me, touch on basically emotional intelligence. And...
  • 10/7/2015

Divya Gugnani Discusses Approach To Starting A Bus

  • Divya Gugnani - Interview - Wander Beaut
  • ya Gugnani started her business career in investment banking at Goldman Sachs and then moved on to p...
  • ust feel like, today, you know, the world's in your palm. You can do so many things. You can start...
  • 9/11/2015

Divya Gugnani Discusses Value Proposition Of Beaut

  • Divya Gugnani - Interview - Wander Beaut
  • ya Gugnani started her business career in investment banking at Goldman Sachs and then moved on to p...
  • I am a beauty fanatic. I love beauty. I just find that it?s something so exciting. It empowers wo...
  • 9/11/2015

Divya Gugnani Discusses Fundraising And Spending

  • Divya Gugnani - Interview - Wander Beaut
  • ya Gugnani started her business career in investment banking at Goldman Sachs and then moved on to p...
  • know, some people have a very difficult time fundraising. And they do a million meetings and they ...
  • 9/11/2015