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805 Videos
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Reshma Saujani Shares Thoughts on Women And Ambiti

  • Reshma Saujani - Interview - Girls Who C
  • hma Saujani is a lawyer, politician and founder of the tech organization Girls Who Code. She was pre...
  • hink it starts with ourselves, right? I think we have to catch ourselves when we start judging or d...
  • 10/7/2015

Reshma Saujani States Women Need To Reclaiming The

  • Reshma Saujani - Interview - Girls Who C
  • hma Saujani is a lawyer, politician and founder of the tech organization Girls Who Code. She was pre...
  • I think we have to reclaim the word ambition. I think women need to wear it as a badge of honor on ...
  • 10/7/2015

Reshma Saujani Discusses Building the Organization

  • Reshma Saujani - Interview - Girls Who C
  • hma Saujani is a lawyer, politician and founder of the tech organization Girls Who Code. She was pre...
  • h, I mean I think the first one is what's the idea? What was the concept? And so, when I saw the g...
  • 10/7/2015

Reshma Saujani Discusses Challenge of Keeping Girl

  • Reshma Saujani - Interview - Girls Who C
  • hma Saujani is a lawyer, politician and founder of the tech organization Girls Who Code. She was pre...
  • I think, one, it's deeply cultural. Like I've never had to fight something that's so deeply cultura...
  • 10/7/2015

Reshma Saujani States Resilience Of Girls Helped G

  • Reshma Saujani - Interview - Girls Who C
  • hma Saujani is a lawyer, politician and founder of the tech organization Girls Who Code. She was pre...
  • I mean I think the accelerant force was always the girls. They were always so amazing, so resilient...
  • 10/7/2015

Reshma Saujani Discusses Starting Organization, Gi

  • Reshma Saujani - Interview - Girls Who C
  • hma Saujani is a lawyer, politician and founder of the tech organization Girls Who Code. She was pre...
  • uess I didn't think about it. I mean how does a woman who's not a coder start an organization calle...
  • 10/7/2015

Reshma Saujani States Education Lifts People Out O

  • Reshma Saujani - Interview - Girls Who C
  • hma Saujani is a lawyer, politician and founder of the tech organization Girls Who Code. She was pre...
  • eally do because, you know, again, I think education was something that was so emphasized in my fami...
  • 10/7/2015

Reshma Saujani Discusses Origin Of Her Entrepreneu

  • Reshma Saujani - Interview - Girls Who C
  • hma Saujani is a lawyer, politician and founder of the tech organization Girls Who Code. She was pre...
  • I think my entrepreneurial spirit comes from my parents. My family came here from Uganda as refugee...
  • 10/7/2015

Reshma Saujani Discusses Biases In Business Agains

  • Reshma Saujani - Interview - Girls Who C
  • hma Saujani is a lawyer, politician and founder of the tech organization Girls Who Code. She was pre...
  • I mean I think that we, as women, like I said before, are often ourselves not comfortable with stron...
  • 10/7/2015