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805 Videos
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Saro Cutri And David Weinsten Discuss Challenges o

  • Saro Cutri - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • o Cutri is co-founder of HomeKeepr. Cutri was most recently a Managing Director and Co-Head of UBS\...
  • know, we talked, I think our last interview, we talked about what it's like to work on a three pers...
  • 10/15/2015

Saro Cutri And David Weinsten Discuss Issue Of Mor

  • Saro Cutri - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • o Cutri is co-founder of HomeKeepr. Cutri was most recently a Managing Director and Co-Head of UBS\...
  • ould say morale is a big issue because it requires tremendous effort to get things done. And becaus...
  • 10/15/2015

Saro Cutri And David Weinsten Discuss Strength Of

  • Saro Cutri - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • o Cutri is co-founder of HomeKeepr. Cutri was most recently a Managing Director and Co-Head of UBS\...
  • partnership is the business, right? It's the people in the room. You know, it sounds cliche. You...
  • 10/15/2015

Saro Cutri And David Weinsten Discuss Changes In A

  • Saro Cutri - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • o Cutri is co-founder of HomeKeepr. Cutri was most recently a Managing Director and Co-Head of UBS\...
  • ould say to you, you know, design is getting way more lightweight, right? There's this idea that a ...
  • 10/15/2015

Saro Cutri And David Weinsten Discuss Challenges i

  • Saro Cutri - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • o Cutri is co-founder of HomeKeepr. Cutri was most recently a Managing Director and Co-Head of UBS\...
  • have a very tough demographic. Our demographic skews older. I'm talking average age 55 or 57. And...
  • 10/15/2015

Saro Cutri And David Weinsten Discuss Pitching Exp

  • Saro Cutri - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • o Cutri is co-founder of HomeKeepr. Cutri was most recently a Managing Director and Co-Head of UBS\...
  • hink my pitching chops have been upended by having to talk to a larger diversity of people. So most...
  • 10/15/2015

Saro Cutri And David Weinsten Discuss Challenges I

  • Saro Cutri - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • o Cutri is co-founder of HomeKeepr. Cutri was most recently a Managing Director and Co-Head of UBS\...
  • re already facing bottlenecks as it relates to our vendor business. There's something we confronted...
  • 10/15/2015

Saro Cutri And David Weinsten Discuss Learning Exp

  • Saro Cutri - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • o Cutri is co-founder of HomeKeepr. Cutri was most recently a Managing Director and Co-Head of UBS\...
  • ean I'll speak from my perspective. I've been at this almost four years and this product for the pas...
  • 10/15/2015

Saro Cutri And David Weinsten Discuss Changing Eco

  • Saro Cutri - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • o Cutri is co-founder of HomeKeepr. Cutri was most recently a Managing Director and Co-Head of UBS\...
  • when we started out, we started out by creating a customized home maintenance checklist for people,...
  • 10/15/2015