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173 Videos
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Kristen McClellan - Interview - Snappy S
Kristen McClellan is a Senior at Cornell University. For the past three years, McClellan has been...
So that would be the trial period, yeah. I mean after that though for sure like the trial period de...
Kristen McClellan - Interview - Snappy S
Kristen McClellan is a Senior at Cornell University. For the past three years, McClellan has been...
It was actually kind of starting Snappy Screen was really in a sense like an accident for me cause I...
Kristen McClellan - Interview - Snappy S
Kristen McClellan is a Senior at Cornell University. For the past three years, McClellan has been...
I would just say don't be afraid to reach out because you know meeting different people on this camp...
Kristen McClellan - Interview - Snappy S
Kristen McClellan is a Senior at Cornell University. For the past three years, McClellan has been...
It really is personal investments right now, which it has been people I met during the trial period ...
Kristen McClellan - Interview - Snappy S
Kristen McClellan is a Senior at Cornell University. For the past three years, McClellan has been...
So one of the e-Lab fellows she had received an e-mail but we had just come off of vacation and she ...
Kristen McClellan - Interview - Snappy S
Kristen McClellan is a Senior at Cornell University. For the past three years, McClellan has been...
I was really active in, I learned a ton about patents, especially my you know sophomore and junior y...
Kristen McClellan - Interview - Snappy S
Kristen McClellan is a Senior at Cornell University. For the past three years, McClellan has been...
Well I really started, I started working on Snappy Screen when I was a freshman. So kind of I would...
Kristen McClellan - Interview - Snappy S
Kristen McClellan is a Senior at Cornell University. For the past three years, McClellan has been...
I feel like there is so many. I mean it's definitely, I feel like students are quick to say oh I'll...
Kristen McClellan - Interview - Snappy S
Kristen McClellan is a Senior at Cornell University. For the past three years, McClellan has been...
It's definitely not an easy leap to take because you go from you know college where you're like livi...