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Miles Biggs Explains Minimally Viable Product

Copyright © Cornell University Play All Videos in Case

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  • Date Added : 12/8/2012
  • Clip Duration : 0 min. 0 sec.


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Miles Biggs

  • Founder and CEO, Marshfillows, LLC
  • male
  • Caucasian
  • 1991 (Age: 33 years old)
  • Miles Biggs - Interview - Marshfillows
  • Video 1 of 13 in this Case
  • View All Available Videos


Miles Biggs is the founder of Marshfillows, LLC. He started Marshfillows after taking business courses in college and gaining a patent on placing chocolate into a marshmallow.

Miles Biggs is pursuing an undergraduate degree at Cornell University.

So a minimally viable product is something that we're really striving for at Marshfillows. We want to get a product out there that meets our requirements as far as quality and quantity because if we're gonna be selling in stores we need to have a certain...(Full transcript available to logged in subscribers.).

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Miles Biggs videos

Video 1 of 13 Miles Biggs Discusses Product Development Process And Understanding Market Demand
  • Miles Biggs - Interview - Marshfillows
  • 12/8/2012
  • Miles Biggs
  • 0 min. 0 sec.
Video 2 of 13 Miles Biggs Discusses Early Entrepreneurship Experiences
  • Miles Biggs - Interview - Marshfillows
  • 12/8/2012
  • Miles Biggs
  • 0 min. 0 sec.
Video 3 of 13 Miles Biggs Discusses Product Offered By Company, Marshfillows
  • Miles Biggs - Interview - Marshfillows
  • 12/8/2012
  • Miles Biggs
  • 0 min. 0 sec.
Video 4 of 13 Miles Biggs Discusses Challenges In Time Management When Balancing School and Startup
  • Miles Biggs - Interview - Marshfillows
  • 12/8/2012
  • Miles Biggs
  • 0 min. 0 sec.
Video 5 of 13 Miles Biggs Discusses Surprise At Cornell Support In Building Startup
  • Miles Biggs - Interview - Marshfillows
  • 12/8/2012
  • Miles Biggs
  • 0 min. 0 sec.
Video 6 of 13 Miles Biggs Discusses Creating A Team
  • Miles Biggs - Interview - Marshfillows
  • 12/8/2012
  • Miles Biggs
  • 0 min. 0 sec.
Video 7 of 13 Miles Biggs Explains Minimally Viable Product
  • Miles Biggs - Interview - Marshfillows
  • 12/8/2012
  • Miles Biggs
  • 0 min. 0 sec.
Video 8 of 13 Miles Biggs Shares Thoughts On Sharing Ideas And Intellectual Property
  • Miles Biggs - Interview - Marshfillows
  • 12/8/2012
  • Miles Biggs
  • 0 min. 0 sec.
Video 9 of 13 Miles Biggs Discusses Patented Product
  • Miles Biggs - Interview - Marshfillows
  • 12/8/2012
  • Miles Biggs
  • 0 min. 0 sec.
Video 10 of 13 Miles Biggs Discusses Patents And Trademarks
  • Miles Biggs - Interview - Marshfillows
  • 12/8/2012
  • Miles Biggs
  • 0 min. 0 sec.
Video 11 of 13 Miles Biggs Discusses Branding And Marketing
  • Miles Biggs - Interview - Marshfillows
  • 12/8/2012
  • Miles Biggs
  • 0 min. 0 sec.
Video 12 of 13 Miles Biggs Discusses Getting To Scale
  • Miles Biggs - Interview - Marshfillows
  • 12/8/2012
  • Miles Biggs
  • 0 min. 0 sec.
Video 13 of 13 Miles Biggs Discusses Measuring Success
  • Miles Biggs - Interview - Marshfillows
  • 12/8/2012
  • Miles Biggs
  • 0 min. 0 sec.