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Kristen McClellan Stresses Importance of Reaching

  • Kristen McClellan - Interview - Snappy S
  • Kristen McClellan is a Senior at Cornell University. For the past three years, McClellan has been re...
  • ould just say don't be afraid to reach out because you know meeting different people on this campus,...
  • 1/29/2013

Cathy Aronin Provides Overview of Company, Quixand

  • Cathy Aronin - Interview - Quixand
  • hy Aronin is involved with Quixand, a company which allows hotels to differentiate their application...
  • name is Cathy Aronin and I am part of Quixand. Quixand is a great company which allows hotels to ba...
  • 12/17/12

Cathy Aronin Discusses Early Entrepreneurial Exper

  • Cathy Aronin - Interview - Quixand
  • hy Aronin is involved with Quixand, a company which allows hotels to differentiate their application...
  • my first experience started when I was going into my junior year of high school. One of my friends ...
  • 12/17/12

Cathy Aronin Discusses Sense Of Fulfillment In Bus

  • Cathy Aronin - Interview - Quixand
  • hy Aronin is involved with Quixand, a company which allows hotels to differentiate their application...
  • m there I was like wow it's really cool to have something to call your own that you know people can ...
  • 12/17/12

Cathy Aronin Discusses Competition With Peers

  • Cathy Aronin - Interview - Quixand
  • hy Aronin is involved with Quixand, a company which allows hotels to differentiate their application...
  • hink one of the hardest parts is as a student at the school of Hotel Administration at Cornell or an...
  • 12/17/12

Cathy Aronin Discusses Hotel School Resources

  • Cathy Aronin - Interview - Quixand
  • hy Aronin is involved with Quixand, a company which allows hotels to differentiate their application...
  • l the Hotel School has the ability to basically find you your different resources so that you don't ...
  • 12/17/12

Cathy Aronin Discusses Team Building Process

  • Cathy Aronin - Interview - Quixand
  • hy Aronin is involved with Quixand, a company which allows hotels to differentiate their application...
  • actually turned out that Pillsbury sends out an email saying that teams needed hotelies and given th...
  • 12/17/12

Cathy Aronin States Collaboration Is More Importan

  • Cathy Aronin - Interview - Quixand
  • hy Aronin is involved with Quixand, a company which allows hotels to differentiate their application...
  • hink a really important part is to not focus as much on the concept. I think it needs to be equally...
  • 12/17/12

Cathy Aronin Discusses Importance in Starting Smal

  • Cathy Aronin - Interview - Quixand
  • hy Aronin is involved with Quixand, a company which allows hotels to differentiate their application...
  • hink that there is most definitely potential in the future, but I think like any other new startup y...
  • 12/17/12