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Nicole Mensa Discusses Being An Entrepreneur

  • Nicole Mensa - Interview - Wononi Cosmet
  • ole Mensa is the founder of Wononi Cosmetics. She founded the company while a student at Cornell Un...
  • hink of myself as an entrepreneur. I think what it means to me is being able to start a business fr...
  • 4/27/17

Nicole Mensa Shares Advice For Students Going Into

  • Nicole Mensa - Interview - Wononi Cosmet
  • ole Mensa is the founder of Wononi Cosmetics. She founded the company while a student at Cornell Un...
  • hink the main thing I would say is don?t be afraid to start. So just go ahead. I always say to mys...
  • 4/27/17

Lynn Gray Discusses Company, Campus Scout

  • Lynn Gray - Interview - Campus Scout
  • n Zuckerman Gray is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Campus Scout, LLC, which provides str...
  • my company is Campus Scout. We provide strategic recruiting services for companies who don?t go on ...
  • 4/27/17

Lynn Gray Discusses Changes to Original Business P

  • Lynn Gray - Interview - Campus Scout
  • n Zuckerman Gray is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Campus Scout, LLC, which provides str...
  • l, they?re really in two respects. One was, if you looked at my initial business plan, you would se...
  • 4/27/17

Lynn Gray States Clients Are The Employers

  • Lynn Gray - Interview - Campus Scout
  • n Zuckerman Gray is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Campus Scout, LLC, which provides str...
  • clients are the employers. Nonetheless, we will not?..experience teaches you a lot of things. We ...
  • 4/27/17

Lynn Gray Discusses Feeding The Funnel

  • Lynn Gray - Interview - Campus Scout
  • n Zuckerman Gray is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Campus Scout, LLC, which provides str...
  • t?s a challenge for us because we?re a project-based firm. We have clients who don?t hire every yea...
  • 4/27/17

Lynn Gray Discusses No Progress In Female Leadersh

  • Lynn Gray - Interview - Campus Scout
  • n Zuckerman Gray is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Campus Scout, LLC, which provides str...
  • ate to be a Debbie Downer but I really think there is not. Recent studies have proved?what happens ...
  • 4/27/17

Lynn Gray Shares Anecdote Regareding Compensation

  • Lynn Gray - Interview - Campus Scout
  • n Zuckerman Gray is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Campus Scout, LLC, which provides str...
  • l tell you an interesting story. And this was early on when I first left the practice of law and I ...
  • 4/27/17

Lynn Gray Discusses Negotiating

  • Lynn Gray - Interview - Campus Scout
  • n Zuckerman Gray is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Campus Scout, LLC, which provides str...
  • l, first of all, I hate to negotiate. So that?s not a good thing. It?s very uncomfortable for me t...
  • 4/27/17