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Cheryl Swirnow Discusses Sherpaa's Company Values

  • Cheryl Swirnow - Lecture - Sherpaa
  • Cheryl Swirnow is the co-founder and COO of Sherpaa.

    Prior to co-founding Sherpaa, Swirnow w...

  • when I was asked to think about business lessons that I can pass along, I couldn't help but think ab...
  • 10/11/2013

Jessica Rolph States Having A Family Was A Leap Of

  • Jessica Rolph - Lecture - HappyFamily
  • Jessica Crolick Rolph is founding partner and COO of HappyFamily, a start-up company that produces a...
  • h, I definitely took the leap and then I also felt like I had to take the leap to have a child becau...
  • 10/11/2013

Cheryl Swirnow Provides Outline of How Sherpaa Wor

  • Cheryl Swirnow - Lecture - Sherpaa
  • Cheryl Swirnow is the co-founder and COO of Sherpaa.

    Prior to co-founding Sherpaa, Swirnow w...

  • I think the best to describe how Sherpaa works is with a real life case study. And this happened a...
  • 10/11/2013

Cheryl Swirnow Provides Overview of Sherpaa

  • Cheryl Swirnow - Lecture - Sherpaa
  • Cheryl Swirnow is the co-founder and COO of Sherpaa.

    Prior to co-founding Sherpaa, Swirnow w...

  • name is Cheryl Swirnow and I graduated from the Hotel School, Class of 2002. And I am now a co-foun...
  • 10/11/2013

Leila Janah Discusses Samasource's US Program

  • Leila Janah - Interview - Samasource
  • Leila Janah is the Founder and CEO of Samasource, a non-profit social business that gives digital wo...
  • have a U.S. program that we started earlier this year. We hired a director last year in November. ...
  • 10/2/2013

Leila Janah Discusses Tracking Tools And Measuring

  • Leila Janah - Interview - Samasource
  • Leila Janah is the Founder and CEO of Samasource, a non-profit social business that gives digital wo...
  • l, SamaSource and Sama USA are really focused at moving people over the poverty line which means we ...
  • 10/2/2013

Leila Janah Shares Concerns About Automation And W

  • Leila Janah - Interview - Samasource
  • Leila Janah is the Founder and CEO of Samasource, a non-profit social business that gives digital wo...
  • hink one thing that is concerning to everyone in the business world is, concerning but also exciting...
  • 10/2/2013

Leila Janah Discusses Evolving Strategy Of The Bus

  • Leila Janah - Interview - Samasource
  • Leila Janah is the Founder and CEO of Samasource, a non-profit social business that gives digital wo...
  • ive every new employee a copy of Lean Startup. I'm glad that you mention it. But I think very few ...
  • 10/2/2013

Leila Janah Discusses Value Proposition for Samaso

  • Leila Janah - Interview - Samasource
  • Leila Janah is the Founder and CEO of Samasource, a non-profit social business that gives digital wo...
  • SamaSource is about connecting very low income women and youth to work over the internet. And the v...
  • 10/2/2013