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2899 Videos
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Kathy Savitt Discusses Fight To Stay Small As You

  • Kathy Savitt - Lecture - Yahoo!
  • Kathy Savitt is the founder and former Chief Executive Officer of Lockerz and current Chief Marketin...
  • t rule, fight to stay small as you grow big. This is really hard. It's easy to stay small and to m...
  • 10/11/2013

Kathy Savitt Discusses Balancing Old And New Persp

  • Kathy Savitt - Lecture - Yahoo!
  • Kathy Savitt is the founder and former Chief Executive Officer of Lockerz and current Chief Marketin...
  • hink actually one of the things that was most surprising about coming to Yahoo was the fact that the...
  • 10/11/2013

Kathy Savitt States Importance of Focusing On Righ

  • Kathy Savitt - Lecture - Yahoo!
  • Kathy Savitt is the founder and former Chief Executive Officer of Lockerz and current Chief Marketin...
  • t to the last, focus on right decisions, not perfect ones. And this is really hard to do. If you s...
  • 10/11/2013

Kathy Savitt States Admit Your Blind Spots And See

  • Kathy Savitt - Lecture - Yahoo!
  • Kathy Savitt is the founder and former Chief Executive Officer of Lockerz and current Chief Marketin...
  • it your blind spots and find your seeing eye dogs. You absolutely want to understand what you're go...
  • 10/11/2013

Kathy Savitt Explains Cool Jar Concept And Importa

  • Kathy Savitt - Lecture - Yahoo!
  • Kathy Savitt is the founder and former Chief Executive Officer of Lockerz and current Chief Marketin...
  • next goal or the next rule: Make deposits into the cool jar. And so what's the cool jar? The coo...
  • 10/11/2013

Kathy Savitt Discusses Importance of Focusing on P

  • Kathy Savitt - Lecture - Yahoo!
  • Kathy Savitt is the founder and former Chief Executive Officer of Lockerz and current Chief Marketin...
  • t road rule, focus on people first and foremost. I have a very kind of cheeky saying that I won't u...
  • 10/11/2013

Kathy Savitt Discusses Importance of Finding Your

  • Kathy Savitt - Lecture - Yahoo!
  • Kathy Savitt is the founder and former Chief Executive Officer of Lockerz and current Chief Marketin...
  • I'm going to get into sort of the Ten Road Rules of what we're all about, not just at Yahoo but wha...
  • 10/11/2013

Jessica Rolph Discusses Getting Product To Market

  • Jessica Rolph - Lecture - HappyFamily
  • Jessica Crolick Rolph is founding partner and COO of HappyFamily, a start-up company that produces a...
  • we couldn't do the fresh. We decided we were going to do frozen. It was pretty risky because you w...
  • 10/11/2013

Cheryl Swirnow Explains There Is No Handbook For B

  • Cheryl Swirnow - Lecture - Sherpaa
  • Cheryl Swirnow is the co-founder and COO of Sherpaa.

    Prior to co-founding Sherpaa, Swirnow w...

  • second big similarity between these two is that there's no handbook for either of these things. Th...
  • 10/11/2013