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2899 Videos
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Shelly Porges Discusses Keeping Up Your Energy

  • Shelly Porges - Lecture - Ready for Hill
  • lly Porges is the National Finance Co-Chair for the Ready for Hillary Super PAC. Prior to this role...
  • do I keep up my energy? First of all, my husband would tell you that I don't prioritize. But at t...
  • 2/21/2014

Barbara Novick Explains Concept of Owning Your Cho

  • Barbara Novick - Lecture - Owning Your C
  • Barbara Novick is a member of BlackRock's Global Executive and Global Operating Committees and Chair...
  • let me start with one observation by Albert Camus. He said, Life is the sum of all your choices. A...
  • 2/21/2014

Amy Siskind Discusses Changes for Women in the 198

  • Amy Siskind - Lecture - The New Agenda
  • Amy Siskind is a national spokesperson, writer and expert on helping women and girls advance and suc...
  • ant you to come with me right now on a quick journey and I'm going to take you back in time to when ...
  • 2/21/2014

Erica Nicole Shares Thoughts on Finding Happiness

  • Erica Nicole - Lecture - YFS Magazine
  • Erica Nicole is an accomplished serial entrepreneur, acclaimed entrepreneurship expert, dynamic conf...
  • t, let's move along to what women should know about happy. I want you all to close your eyes for a ...
  • 2/21/2014

Erica Nicole Discusses Three Es of Education, Empl

  • Erica Nicole - Lecture - YFS Magazine
  • Erica Nicole is an accomplished serial entrepreneur, acclaimed entrepreneurship expert, dynamic conf...
  • t I want to tell you is that these three things, this is what I call E3, education, employment and e...
  • 2/21/2014

Erica Nicole Discusses Importance of Having Financ

  • Erica Nicole - Lecture - YFS Magazine
  • Erica Nicole is an accomplished serial entrepreneur, acclaimed entrepreneurship expert, dynamic conf...
  • what I want to start with then is that, you know, a lot of times when we talk about money as women w...
  • 2/21/2014

Erica Nicole States Importance of Investing In You

  • Erica Nicole - Lecture - YFS Magazine
  • Erica Nicole is an accomplished serial entrepreneur, acclaimed entrepreneurship expert, dynamic conf...
  • uick caveat - starting a business. That is a huge endeavor. What most people don't understand, esp...
  • 2/21/2014

Leila Janah Discusses Biggest Mistake Was Not Bein

  • Leila Janah - Lecture - Samasource
  • Leila Janah is the Founder and CEO of Samasource, a non-profit social business that gives digital wo...
  • gest mistake? I think the biggest mistake we made was not being bold enough at the beginning. At t...
  • 11/1/2013

Leila Janah Discusses Importance of Measuring Impa

  • Leila Janah - Lecture - Samasource
  • Leila Janah is the Founder and CEO of Samasource, a non-profit social business that gives digital wo...
  • ernationally, we're really rigorous about tracking impact. When I formed SamaSource, I had this vis...
  • 11/1/2013