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Jenn Vargas Provides Background on Her Company

  • Jenn Vargas - Panel - Why Are Women Unde
  • Jenn Vargas is Founder of Accompl.sh, a social application for achieving your goals. Vargas has been...
  • Accompl.sh is a platform for tracking your goals in social studies. It is an online community. You...
  • 3/3/2014

Jenn Vargas Shares Academic and Professional Backg

  • Jenn Vargas - Panel - Why Are Women Unde
  • Jenn Vargas is Founder of Accompl.sh, a social application for achieving your goals. Vargas has been...
  • name is Jenn Vargas. I graduated in 2009 from Information Science in Arts and Sciences. My backgro...
  • 3/3/2014

Rachel Martin States A Non-Technology Background D

  • Rachel Martin - Panel - Why Are Women Un
  • hel Martin is the Director of Partner Operations for Cornell start-up YEXT. Rachel Martin has an un...
  • hink the important thing to remember is just because you didn't study technology, doesn't mean you c...
  • 3/3/2014

Rachel Martin States Importance of Introducing Tec

  • Rachel Martin - Panel - Why Are Women Un
  • hel Martin is the Director of Partner Operations for Cornell start-up YEXT. Rachel Martin has an un...
  • hink another part of the pipeline is actually very...is catching them very early on, like from age z...
  • 3/3/2014

Rachel Martin Discusses Interest In Technology

  • Rachel Martin - Panel - Why Are Women Un
  • hel Martin is the Director of Partner Operations for Cornell start-up YEXT. Rachel Martin has an un...
  • h, I think, and I'm going to talk about this a little bit later, but I think I've always been attrac...
  • 3/3/2014

Rachel Martin Provides Overview of Company, Yext

  • Rachel Martin - Panel - Why Are Women Un
  • hel Martin is the Director of Partner Operations for Cornell start-up YEXT. Rachel Martin has an un...
  • ce I didn't know I wanted to go to business school so why am I going to go forward with that two yea...
  • 3/3/2014

Rachel Martin Discusses Professional Background An

  • Rachel Martin - Panel - Why Are Women Un
  • hel Martin is the Director of Partner Operations for Cornell start-up YEXT. Rachel Martin has an un...
  • raduated Cornell in 2007 and I graduated from the engineering school. I was a Civil and Environment...
  • 3/3/2014

Jennifer Delaney States Having One On One Time Wit

  • Jennifer Delaney - Panel - Why Are Women
  • Jennifer Delaney works as a Senior Manager of Large Enterprise Product Solutions for Paypal. Prior t...
  • on't think there's ever been a time when it's been an active effort to keep me out of something but ...
  • 3/3/2014

Jennifer Delaney Shares Academicand Professional B

  • Jennifer Delaney - Panel - Why Are Women
  • Jennifer Delaney works as a Senior Manager of Large Enterprise Product Solutions for Paypal. Prior t...
  • I come from a little bit of a different background. I graduated from Stanford in 2009. So we switc...
  • 3/3/2014