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Deborah Jackson Provides Background of Company, Pl

  • Deborah Jackson - Lecture - Women In Tec
  • Deborah Jackson is the Founder and CEO of Plum Alley, an e-commerce and crowdfunding site for women'...
  • after a year I said, okay, I'm going to switch. I'm going to found a company called Plum Alley and ...
  • 3/27/2014

Deborah Jackson Discusses Working With Women In Te

  • Deborah Jackson - Lecture - Women In Tec
  • Deborah Jackson is the Founder and CEO of Plum Alley, an e-commerce and crowdfunding site for women'...
  • anyway, I started off at Goldman. Ended up in healthcare technology. Retired from Wall Street. A...
  • 3/27/2014

Alice Martins Shares Academic and Professional Bac

  • Alice Martins - Panel - Building a Succe
  • Alice Martins is a Strategic Planner for Mike Train, Emerson Process Management Global Sales Preside...
  • name is Alice Martins. I am a strategic planner at Emerson Electrics. I'm a graduate student from J...
  • 3/27/2014

Deborah Jackson Shares Professional Background And

  • Deborah Jackson - Lecture - Women In Tec
  • Deborah Jackson is the Founder and CEO of Plum Alley, an e-commerce and crowdfunding site for women'...
  • er Columbia Business School, I went to Goldman Sachs and worked on Wall Street for about 21 years. ...
  • 3/27/2014

Sarah McDonald Provides Advice For Women Who Are C

  • Sarah McDonald - Lecture - Ebay
  • ah McDonald is currently the Chief of Staff to the president of eBay marketplaces. Over her ten year...
  • e's my observation. I need a job. Yes, you do. Yes, you do need a job. It is true that the more ...
  • 3/25/2014

Sarah McDonald Shares Story About Using Technology

  • Sarah McDonald - Lecture - Ebay
  • ah McDonald is currently the Chief of Staff to the president of eBay marketplaces. Over her ten year...
  • I believe in story-telling. So the first story I'm going to tell you today is my most recent techno...
  • 3/25/2014

Sarah McDonald Discusses Professional Background a

  • Sarah McDonald - Lecture - Ebay
  • ah McDonald is currently the Chief of Staff to the president of eBay marketplaces. Over her ten year...
  • I'm here today to talk about high tech leadership for women, but I thought you might want to know wh...
  • 3/25/2014

Sarah McDonald Discusses Concerns of Women Enterin

  • Sarah McDonald - Lecture - Ebay
  • ah McDonald is currently the Chief of Staff to the president of eBay marketplaces. Over her ten year...
  • t I am meant to be speaking to you about today is high tech leadership for women. Who knows what th...
  • 3/25/2014

Sarah McDonald Discusses What To Look For In Tech

  • Sarah McDonald - Lecture - Ebay
  • ah McDonald is currently the Chief of Staff to the president of eBay marketplaces. Over her ten year...
  • what should you look for in a tech company? You want something that you can be really passionate ab...
  • 3/25/2014