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2899 Videos
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Nicole Mensa Discusses Starting A Business During

  • Nicole Mensa - Interview - Wononi Cosmet
  • ole Mensa is the founder of Wononi Cosmetics. She founded the company while a student at Cornell Un...
  • s been challenging but, at the same time, just very interesting, very thrilling. I started my busin...
  • 4/27/17

Julie Baker Discusses Challenges With Work-Life Ba

  • Julie Baker - Interview - Ursa Space Sys
  • I think, for me, work/life balance doesn?t always happen at the same time. Your life comes in kind...
  • 4/27/17

Julie Baker Offers Advice For Students

  • Julie Baker - Interview - Ursa Space Sys
  • king about preparing yourself for a career and choosing things to do to try to move you forward, the...
  • 4/27/17

Julie Baker Discusses Challenges Of Being An Entre

  • Julie Baker - Interview - Ursa Space Sys
  • s always a challenge to know what is coming more than a few months ahead. But in my previous job, th...
  • 4/27/17

Julie Baker Discusses Being An Entrepreneur

  • Julie Baker - Interview - Ursa Space Sys
  • took a while but I grew up, my dad owned a lumber yard and a hardware store and he loved his job. A...
  • 4/27/17

Julie Baker Discusses Discovering Value For Custom

  • Julie Baker - Interview - Ursa Space Sys
  • most of the people who would use the information are analysts of some sort. They might be a trader....
  • 4/27/17

Julie Baker Discusses Solving Information Problem

  • Julie Baker - Interview - Ursa Space Sys
  • the problem that we are solving for the customer is to get information that is just not possible to ...
  • 4/27/17

Julie Baker Discusses Customer Discovery Process

  • Julie Baker - Interview - Ursa Space Sys
  • tomer discovery was really important to us when we started that first year. So we?re a couple of yea...
  • 4/27/17

Julie Baker Shares Elevator Pitch For Ursa Space

  • Julie Baker - Interview - Ursa Space Sys
  • r 80% of countries in the world don?t have any reliable reporting on economic indicators. They don?...
  • 4/27/17