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2899 Videos
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Caroline Kim Oh Discusses Deciding To Change Direc

  • Dyson Symposium on Women in Leadership -
  • Caroline Kim Oh is an Executive Coach to nonprofit leaders.

    Prior to coaching, Caroline work...

  • in, I didn't have as many options as I feel like Angie did. You were probably a better student than...
  • 9/21/2014

Caroline Kim Oh Discusses Academic and Professiona

  • Dyson Symposium on Women in Leadership -
  • Caroline Kim Oh is an Executive Coach to nonprofit leaders.

    Prior to coaching, Caroline work...

  • name is Caroline Kim Oh. Unlike Angie, I didn't know what I was doing at Cornell! I did not have f...
  • 9/21/2014

Angie Kamath Recommends Always Following The Money

  • Dyson Symposium on Women in Leadership -
  • Angie Kamath is Executive Director of Per Scholas.

    Prior to joining Per Scholas in March 2...

  • my advice is always follow the money. So when I graduated, when I finished up grad school, I knew I...
  • 9/21/2014

Angie Kamath Discusses Dealing With Burnout

  • Dyson Symposium on Women in Leadership -
  • Angie Kamath is Executive Director of Per Scholas.

    Prior to joining Per Scholas in March 2...

  • d the Happiness Project. Honestly, it got me through. A real quick anecdote from my government job...
  • 9/21/2014

Angie Kamath Discusses Academic and Professional B

  • Dyson Symposium on Women in Leadership -
  • Angie Kamath is Executive Director of Per Scholas.

    Prior to joining Per Scholas in March 2...

  • name is Angie Kamath. I am really excited to be here. I graduated from, I guess what's now called ...
  • 9/21/2014

Diane Sakach Discusses Body Language

  • Dyson Symposium on Women in Leadership -
  • Diane Sakach is Executive Director of Corporate Leadership Center (CLC), a partnership between major...
  • ad the pleasure of having Amy Cuddy speak in my program a few years ago. So I'm going to give you a...
  • 9/21/2014

Diane Sakach Discusses Importance of Understanding

  • Dyson Symposium on Women in Leadership -
  • Diane Sakach is Executive Director of Corporate Leadership Center (CLC), a partnership between major...
  • n I started at Northern Trust, or got on the client side. So this wasn't the social. This was in f...
  • 9/21/2014

Diane Sakach Discusses Professional Journey

  • Dyson Symposium on Women in Leadership -
  • Diane Sakach is Executive Director of Corporate Leadership Center (CLC), a partnership between major...
  • I'm going to start off my saying that I run this program for women leaders who are about twenty year...
  • 9/21/2014

Katherine Amos Shares Job Interview and Training A

  • Dyson Symposium on Women in Leadership -
  • Katherine Amos is the Vice President of Transfer Pricing Strategy at Eaton, an Irish-based multinati...
  • be I'll just share a little bit about my job interviews for Eaton. It is the first job I've ever ha...
  • 9/21/2014