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Maria Verrigni Discusses Negative Feedback

  • Maria Verrigni - Interview - IBM
  • ia Verrigni is a Human Resources Leader at IBM. Maria Verrigni received her undergraduate degree ...
  • hink most people are uncomfortable with giving negative feedback. It?s very easy to give positive f...
  • 4/2/2015

Maria Verrigni Discusses Dealing With Bias

  • Maria Verrigni - Interview - IBM
  • ia Verrigni is a Human Resources Leader at IBM. Maria Verrigni received her undergraduate degree ...
  • know, I think the first thing you have to do is really think about is what you?re feeling valid? ...
  • 4/2/2015

Maria Verrigni States Social Media Network Expand

  • Maria Verrigni - Interview - IBM
  • ia Verrigni is a Human Resources Leader at IBM. Maria Verrigni received her undergraduate degree ...
  • h the onset of all this social media, right, social media is the way we get things done. Our networ...
  • 4/2/2015

Maria Verrigni Discusses Advice For Millennials

  • Maria Verrigni - Interview - IBM
  • ia Verrigni is a Human Resources Leader at IBM. Maria Verrigni received her undergraduate degree ...
  • I had one message to the Millennials it would be do what you love. When you do what you love you wi...
  • 4/2/2015

Maria Verrigni Discusses Importance of Managing an

  • Maria Verrigni - Interview - IBM
  • ia Verrigni is a Human Resources Leader at IBM. Maria Verrigni received her undergraduate degree ...
  • one thing that just absolutely amazes me when we?re working with senior leaders is their ability to...
  • 4/2/2015

Maria Verrigni Discusses Professional Opportunitie

  • Maria Verrigni - Interview - IBM
  • ia Verrigni is a Human Resources Leader at IBM. Maria Verrigni received her undergraduate degree ...
  • know, I think first there are really two pathways initially, that of a HR generalist role and that ...
  • 4/2/2015

Maria Verrigni Discusses Emotional Intelligence

  • Maria Verrigni - Interview - IBM
  • ia Verrigni is a Human Resources Leader at IBM. Maria Verrigni received her undergraduate degree ...
  • efine emotional intelligence as one's ability to understand their own emotions and one?s ability to ...
  • 4/2/2015

Maria Verrigni Discusses How To Use Emotional Inte

  • Maria Verrigni - Interview - IBM
  • ia Verrigni is a Human Resources Leader at IBM. Maria Verrigni received her undergraduate degree ...
  • st and foremost, they're empathetic. They are clearly empathetic. They immediately, they are not s...
  • 4/2/2015

Maria Verrigni Discusses Challenges of Having a Lo

  • Maria Verrigni - Interview - IBM
  • ia Verrigni is a Human Resources Leader at IBM. Maria Verrigni received her undergraduate degree ...
  • hink someone with low EQ, the first thing that?s very visible is they?re not self-aware. They have ...
  • 4/2/2015