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Kathleen Carroll Discusses Concept of Collecting P

  • Kathleen Carroll - Interview - The Brand
  • hleen Carroll started the Branding Clinic in 2000 with a mission to unearth consumer insights for Fo...
  • know, I love people. So I collect them. And I really try to authentically relate to them and to, ...
  • 9/24/15

Kathleen Carroll Discusses International Work

  • Kathleen Carroll - Interview - The Brand
  • hleen Carroll started the Branding Clinic in 2000 with a mission to unearth consumer insights for Fo...
  • ernational is such a great experience. And it?s the only way to truly understand your own culture. ...
  • 9/24/15

Kathleen Carroll Discusses Surveys Can Be A Mix Of

  • Kathleen Carroll - Interview - The Brand
  • hleen Carroll started the Branding Clinic in 2000 with a mission to unearth consumer insights for Fo...
  • ean it?s art and science. That?s why I love marketing, is that it combines, you know, the two. And...
  • 9/24/15

Kathleen Carroll Discusses Path To Entrepreneurshi

  • Kathleen Carroll - Interview - The Brand
  • hleen Carroll started the Branding Clinic in 2000 with a mission to unearth consumer insights for Fo...
  • l, it certainly wasn?t a straight line. I?ll tell you in the beginning of my life, when I was littl...
  • 9/24/15

Kathleen Carroll Discusses Initial Value Propositi

  • Kathleen Carroll - Interview - The Brand
  • hleen Carroll started the Branding Clinic in 2000 with a mission to unearth consumer insights for Fo...
  • an?t say I didn?t do what you?re supposed to do. Like you?re supposed to come up with your business...
  • 9/24/15

Kathleen Carroll Discusses Growing Brands

  • Kathleen Carroll - Interview - The Brand
  • hleen Carroll started the Branding Clinic in 2000 with a mission to unearth consumer insights for Fo...
  • grow brands. That?s fundamentally our value proposition. I will admit, and am embarrassed enough t...
  • 9/24/15

Kathleen Carroll Discusses Competition in Branding

  • Kathleen Carroll - Interview - The Brand
  • hleen Carroll started the Branding Clinic in 2000 with a mission to unearth consumer insights for Fo...
  • re?s really big players. You know, it?s rare that I truly come up against a big player in terms of ...
  • 9/24/15

Jenn Vargas Shares Thoughts About Startup Work En

  • Jenn Vargas - Interview - Technology Tre
  • n Vargas is Founder of Accompl.sh, a social application for achieving your goals. Vargas has been de...
  • changes from company to company a lot but the general vibe is it?s a bunch of generally younger peop...
  • 9/24/2015

Jenn Vargas Discusses Future Lanscape For Women In

  • Jenn Vargas - Interview - Technology Tre
  • n Vargas is Founder of Accompl.sh, a social application for achieving your goals. Vargas has been de...
  • I even look now and think, okay, who am I in this landscape? Like who is future me in this landscap...
  • 9/24/2015