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Ritu Banga And Carol Rattray Discuss Value Proposi

  • Ritu Banga - Interview - Zoomdojo
  • u Banga is a cofounder of Zoomdojo, a New York City–based college to career readiness startup...
  • ation, certainly of information, because that's one of the issues we found, is that there's so much ...
  • 10/16/2015

Ritu Banga And Carol Rattray Discuss Naming Their

  • Ritu Banga - Interview - Zoomdojo
  • u Banga is a cofounder of Zoomdojo, a New York City–based college to career readiness startup...
  • s like everything's a long process! You'd think that a name is a name is a name and there's so many...
  • 10/16/2015

Ritu Banga And Carol Rattray Discuss Millenials An

  • Ritu Banga - Interview - Zoomdojo
  • u Banga is a cofounder of Zoomdojo, a New York City–based college to career readiness startup...
  • hink it's more what Millennials should know about the workplace and I think that's true of any gener...
  • 10/16/2015

Ritu Banga And Carol Rattray Share Transformation

  • Ritu Banga - Interview - Zoomdojo
  • u Banga is a cofounder of Zoomdojo, a New York City–based college to career readiness startup...
  • met this wonderful, wonderful girl. She was a junior here. She transferred from a community colleg...
  • 10/16/2015

Jennifer Dulski Discusses Change In Direction and

  • Jennifer Dulski - Lecture - Entrepreneur
  • Jennifer Dulski is the President and COO of Change.org

    Prior to Change.org, Dulski led the p...

  • the question is, did it work? So this is our user graph. It looks pretty good. This was our first ...
  • 10/12/2015

Jennifer Dulski Discusses Building DealMap and Dev

  • Jennifer Dulski - Lecture - Entrepreneur
  • Jennifer Dulski is the President and COO of Change.org

    Prior to Change.org, Dulski led the p...

  • t we did was we aggregated not only the Groupon-style sort of daily deals, but also what we called n...
  • 10/12/2015

Jennifer Dulski Discusses Importance of Finding A

  • Jennifer Dulski - Lecture - Entrepreneur
  • Jennifer Dulski is the President and COO of Change.org

    Prior to Change.org, Dulski led the p...

  • one way to find a good problem is to create the problem in the first place. But assuming you don't ...
  • 10/12/2015

Reshma Saujani Discusses Customer Acquisition

  • Reshma Saujani - Interview - Girls Who C
  • hma Saujani is a lawyer, politician and founder of the tech organization Girls Who Code. She was pre...
  • we really have done a lot of word of mouth. And I think Girls Who Code now is like the premiere STE...
  • 10/7/2015

Reshma Saujani States Resilience Of Girls Helped G

  • Reshma Saujani - Interview - Girls Who C
  • hma Saujani is a lawyer, politician and founder of the tech organization Girls Who Code. She was pre...
  • I mean I think the accelerant force was always the girls. They were always so amazing, so resilient...
  • 10/7/2015