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2899 Videos
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Lisa Ann Pinkerton Discusses Challenges In Being A

  • Lisa Ann Pinkerton - Interview - Technic
  • a Ann Pinkerton is Founder and President of Technica Communications, co-founder of the Global Cleant...
  • efinitely felt early on, when I founded Technica Communications, that there was, it wasn?t that bein...
  • 3/28/2017

Lisa Ann Pinkerton Shares Advice For Entrepreneurs

  • Lisa Ann Pinkerton - Interview - Technic
  • a Ann Pinkerton is Founder and President of Technica Communications, co-founder of the Global Cleant...
  • advice is to start an enterprise as soon as possible. One of the things that really irritated me whe...
  • 3/28/2017

Lisa Ann Pinkerton Discusses Momma Bear Concept

  • Lisa Ann Pinkerton - Lecture - Technica
  • a Ann Pinkerton is Founder and President of Technica Communications, co-founder of the Global Cleant...
  • the mama bear is really interesting. And that?s part of the protector, right? We protect our moms...
  • 3/28/2017

Lisa Ann Pinkerton Discusses Women In Business and

  • Lisa Ann Pinkerton - Lecture - Technica
  • a Ann Pinkerton is Founder and President of Technica Communications, co-founder of the Global Cleant...
  • just going to get right into it, if that is okay with everyone. This is my favorite quote of all t...
  • 3/28/2017

Lisa Ann Pinkerton Discusses There Have Been Advan

  • Lisa Ann Pinkerton - Lecture - Technica
  • a Ann Pinkerton is Founder and President of Technica Communications, co-founder of the Global Cleant...
  • we?ve made steady advancements since the 70s but, you know, there is still a glass ceiling. Even if...
  • 3/28/2017

Lisa Ann Pinkerton Discusses Understanding The Alp

  • Lisa Ann Pinkerton - Lecture - Technica
  • a Ann Pinkerton is Founder and President of Technica Communications, co-founder of the Global Cleant...
  • many of you have heard of the term alpha male? Alright.I?ll give you a quick little rundown. To u...
  • 3/28/2017

Lisa Ann Pinkerton Discusses Women And Women's Nat

  • Lisa Ann Pinkerton - Lecture - Technica
  • a Ann Pinkerton is Founder and President of Technica Communications, co-founder of the Global Cleant...
  • this quote, I like it, but a lot of people don?t. That?s why I kind of wanted to use it because it...
  • 3/28/2017

Lisa Ann Pinkerton Discusses Women and Emotional I

  • Lisa Ann Pinkerton - Lecture - Technica
  • a Ann Pinkerton is Founder and President of Technica Communications, co-founder of the Global Cleant...
  • we?re moving into a world in the 21st century where facilitation is power. No longer is your abilit...
  • 3/28/2017

Lisa Ann Pinkerton Discusses Natural And Learned S

  • Lisa Ann Pinkerton - Lecture - Technica
  • a Ann Pinkerton is Founder and President of Technica Communications, co-founder of the Global Cleant...
  • dership awareness for all. So all of these traits and things that I?ve talked about, both genders c...
  • 3/28/2017