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2899 Videos
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Chelsea Kingsley Discusses Emotional Intelligence

  • Chelsey Kingsley - Interview - Kingsley
  • lsey Kingsley is the CEO of Kingsley Quality Woodworking....
  • tional intelligence is critical. I think that self-education, knowing who you are, your own?.Let me...
  • 4/27/17

Chelsea Kingsley Discusses Being An Advocate For W

  • Chelsey Kingsley - Interview - Kingsley
  • lsey Kingsley is the CEO of Kingsley Quality Woodworking....
  • hink that the key of that for me is that I?m an advocate. I can take charge as an advocate. And th...
  • 4/27/17

Chelsea Kingsley Shares Thoughts on Gender Issues

  • Chelsey Kingsley - Interview - Kingsley
  • lsey Kingsley is the CEO of Kingsley Quality Woodworking....
  • ause I?m sort of in the trenches a lot running our own business, I don?t feel like I get out there i...
  • 4/27/17

Chelsea Kingsley Discusses Challenges Of Woodworki

  • Chelsey Kingsley - Interview - Kingsley
  • lsey Kingsley is the CEO of Kingsley Quality Woodworking....
  • l, I think one of the challenges that I see with woodworkers, I mean, that?s my background. I start...
  • 4/27/17

Chelsea Kingsley Discusses Community Engagement an

  • Chelsey Kingsley - Interview - Kingsley
  • lsey Kingsley is the CEO of Kingsley Quality Woodworking....
  • have the benefit of having some work out in the community. So people interact with our product befor...
  • 4/27/17

Chelsea Kingsley Discusses Importance of Having Cl

  • Chelsey Kingsley - Interview - Kingsley
  • lsey Kingsley is the CEO of Kingsley Quality Woodworking....
  • hink that it?s really important to spell out the roles that need to be played. I think that that?s ...
  • 4/27/17

Lisa Ann Pinkerton Discusses Early Professional Ex

  • Lisa Ann Pinkerton - Interview - Technic
  • a Ann Pinkerton is Founder and President of Technica Communications, co-founder of the Global Cleant...
  • the process started?it?s like I didn?t really know that I was being entrepreneurial. It started way...
  • 3/28/2017

Lisa Ann Pinkerton Shares Thoughts on Being Entrep

  • Lisa Ann Pinkerton - Interview - Technic
  • a Ann Pinkerton is Founder and President of Technica Communications, co-founder of the Global Cleant...
  • n I think about entrepreneurship, you begin to realize that people are naturally entrepreneurs. The...
  • 3/28/2017

Lisa Ann Pinkerton Discusses Pivots She Made In Pr

  • Lisa Ann Pinkerton - Interview - Technic
  • a Ann Pinkerton is Founder and President of Technica Communications, co-founder of the Global Cleant...
  • in terms of pivoting, I?ve done that many times during my life. And usually it was always once I c...
  • 3/28/2017