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13 Videos
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Jacob Wright Recommends Formalizing Plans And Usin

  • Jacob Wright - Interview - Hospitality E
  • Jacob Wright is a successful entrepreneur in many realms of the hospitality industry. A serial e...
  • The way I personally started is I had a business for quite a while before I formalized it. It came ...
  • 2/4/2009

Drew Brody Discusses Advantage of Majoring In Arts

  • Drew Brody - Interview - The Scholar Gro
  • Drew Brody is founder of the Los Angeles based The Infinite Monkey Project and is also co-founder...
  • Making your own opportunities. The theater department was great for that because you could, unlike ...
  • 1/5/2009

Drew Brody States Course Outlining The Business of

  • Drew Brody - Interview - The Scholar Gro
  • Drew Brody is founder of the Los Angeles based The Infinite Monkey Project and is also co-founder...
  • Even then I was like oh, we should have a business of theater class, I didn't fully understand what ...
  • 1/5/2009

Drew Brody Discusses Internship At Fried/Woods Fil

  • Drew Brody - Interview - The Scholar Gro
  • Drew Brody is founder of the Los Angeles based The Infinite Monkey Project and is also co-founder...
  • I did an internship when I was at Cornell, I did it with Fried/Woods Films which was Rob Fried who w...
  • 1/5/2009

Drew Brody Shares Anecdote About Studying Film In

  • Drew Brody - Interview - The Scholar Gro
  • Drew Brody is founder of the Los Angeles based The Infinite Monkey Project and is also co-founder...
  • I did a year long postgraduate program in France studying French language, literature, and films and...
  • 1/5/2009

Annemarie Segaric Shares Thoughts On How To Build

  • Annemarie Segaric - Interview - Finding
  • Annemarie Segaric is the Founder of The Career Changer Company and author of Step into the Right ...
  • It's really hard to stay away from the networking thing because what I have found, and it's not just...
  • 12/16/2008

Jaime Allen States Professors Should Be Part Of Yo

  • Jaime Allen - Panel - Young Alumni from
  • Jaime Allen is currently a Director of Marketing at Darden Restaurant Group in Orlando, Florida. ...
  • And I would just add don't exclude your professors from that list of networking. I mean I think wha...
  • 9/28/2007

Alison Gerlach Discusses Techniques For Building a

  • Alison Gerlach - Lecture - Allie's Edibl
  • Alison Gerlach is a successful entrepreneur and business executive with expertise in and passion ...
  • The internships that I got when I was at Cornell, I mean, I think I got my first internship when I w...
  • 10/30/2006

Gwen Whiting and Lindsey Wieber Discuss Importanc

  • Lindsey Wieber & Gwen Whiting - Intervie
  • Lindsey Wieber and Gwen Whiting are co-founders of The Laundress. The Laundress provides a luxur...
  • And you don't - and obviously you don't come to - You come with pretty much an empty book when you a...
  • 3/28/2005